Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters


Naan Bread

Naan Bread

  If you joined me for my Indian Cooking class a few years ago, you would remember my failed nann bread recipe. I’ve been trying for years, with no success, to make the perfect naan. I’d say I have thrown away more than I have […]

Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

  So, so good! This lemon meatball dish is quick and easy. Make the meatballs the day before as I did and put them in the fridge. The next day, I took them out to get to room temperature while I made the sauce. Fifteen […]

Chicken Steaks & Lemon Cream Sauce

Chicken Steaks & Lemon Cream Sauce

  This was so easy and made my day! The weather is changing, and the grill will soon be wrapped up for winter. I am searching for some comfy winter food ideas, and this one will definitely be on the menu. The nice thing is […]

Creamy Italian Lasagna or Spicy Fusilli Sauce

Creamy Italian Lasagna or Spicy Fusilli Sauce

  I have been on an Italian food mission with this cold and rainy boat summer we’ve been experiencing in Berlin. It just seems to warm the soul. We happened to have dinner in an Italian restaurant with Dagmar and Peter, our boat friends, and […]

Herby Cassava Cheese Crackers

Herby Cassava Cheese Crackers

  It’s so easy to buy gluten-free products while on our boat. Although great for emergencies, they are filled with unnecessary ingredients. I’ve made a point not to buy as much this boating season. I decided to use my delicious dips and spreads and make […]

Buffalo Cheese Sauce & Chicken Asparagus Pasta

Buffalo Cheese Sauce & Chicken Asparagus Pasta

  This was created out of a deep need to get warm! We’d been on the boat for over a month heading to Berlin, and the rain was persistent, so barbecuing was out of the question. It’s time for some warm comfy food to fill […]

Ahi Poke Bowl & Tangy Salad

Ahi Poke Bowl & Tangy Salad

  Fortunately, we’ve found wild caught ahi at our local store in the USA and the Wolfach Germany Wednesday market. This recipe can be made with ahi or fresh wild-caught salmon. Both are delicious. Just make sure it is sushi grade. I like using fresh […]

Air-Fried Fish Bowl

Air-Fried Fish Bowl

  I love learning how to use my air-frier to make dinners simpler and quicker. This recipe serves two and is a time saver. We’ve had this yummy meal several times. Every time, it just gets better. There are three components to the delicious fish […]

Authentic German Venison Stew

Authentic German Venison Stew

  I’m not a fan of wild meat meals, but I’m living in Germany, a country where organ meats, sausage made from animal fat and blood, and wild boar sausages are offered at least once during one of the daily meals. The Germans do not […]

Instant Pot Oxen Cheek With Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Instant Pot Oxen Cheek With Creamy Mashed Potatoes

  I’m not sure which I love more, the creamy, fluffy potatoes or the delicious savory oxen cheeks. They’re so complementary and keep you wanting more, so I suggest you double this recipe. In Germany, this recipe is called Ochsenbä Backel. It is the cheek […]

Bacon Fried Cabbage

Bacon Fried Cabbage

  Mercy me! I thought I loved cabbage, but now I am “in love” with this easy, quick, and nutritious dish. You can whip up this dish in 15 minutes. It’s a great party side salad, whether it’s cold or hot. Try using leftovers warmed […]

German Apple Sponge Cake

German Apple Sponge Cake

  Yes, I have a thing for apples. Just search my menu with the word “apple,” and you’re bound to find a few to try. This one is a snap and cooks up in less than forty minutes from start to finish. Quick, easy, and […]

Goat Cheese and Salmon Pockets

Goat Cheese and Salmon Pockets

  This winter life in Germany is quite a challenge. We’ve been experiencing so much rain and cold, and we’ve had very few occasions to barbecue our salmon or any meal for that matter. It’s freezing, and braving the wind and rain storms is not […]

White Chicken/Turkey Chili

White Chicken/Turkey Chili

  One of my kindergarten students had invited me to their house for dinner. I was so impressed with the meal. The mother made chicken chili, and this was a first for me! It was amazing! So when we headed to the desert for the […]

Turkey Meatballs and Honey Mustard Sauce

Turkey Meatballs and Honey Mustard Sauce

  This spicy-sweet dinner was gone in minutes! This dish got rave reviews from both her kids and her husband. It’s a combo of recipes I’ve read about and some ingredients I love to combine to make sauces pop! I’ve been staying with my daughter […]

Za’atar Seasoning

Za’atar Seasoning

  One day I was reading a cookbook and came across the seasoning Sumac. Ok, well, as I searched where it came from and how it is used, I discovered that it is mostly used in middle eastern foods. It was the main component of […]

Creamy Dairy-free Roasted Mushroom Alfredo Sauce

Creamy Dairy-free Roasted Mushroom Alfredo Sauce

  I miss thick, creamy Alfredo sauce with roasted mushrooms. It’s delicious on my gluten-free pasta and grilled salmon…if you’re missing the thick creamy flavor of Alfredo sauce too, then keep reading…if not, well, maybe this recipe will convince you you need to try it […]

Macadamia Bärlauch Pesto

Macadamia Bärlauch Pesto

  I am so excited about this season and our new bike ride on the Rhein River that led us to a field of wild Bärlauch. It’s called Ramps in America, but it’s known for its powerful aroma and is considered wild garlic. I gathered […]

Best Pizza Crust!

Best Pizza Crust!

Ok, if I were allowed one last meal, it would be pizza.  When I started this gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free journey in 2014, I was devastated that I could no longer have pizza. I worked really hard to heal my gut and begin to rebuild […]

Tuscany Spiced Chicken

Tuscany Spiced Chicken

  This month I was invited to do a Google Zoom with a group of excellent DoDD teachers from Kaiserslautern, Germany. What a blast! My host, Terri, made the most delicious Dark Chocolate Keto Cookies dipped in chocolate ganache and sprinkled with nuts or coconut. […]

Coconut Curry Lime Chicken (Soup)

Coconut Curry Lime Chicken (Soup)

  I cook Asian food every week, and my taster, Lutz, said this one is the best we’ve ever had…so here goes! I must admit it was amazing and had a robust flavor and a surprise kick. You can use chicken or go vegan and […]

German Lebkuchen

German Lebkuchen

  Ok, I’m on a German baking roll. As you can tell in my most recent post, I’ve celebrated Christmas in San Diego for the past six years. This Christmas season, we’re celebrating in Germany. I’m struggling between traditional German holiday meals or traditional Mexican, […]

Cranberry Linzer Torte

Cranberry Linzer Torte

  Got cranberries? Oh yeah…lately, they’ve become quite popular in Germany during the holiday season. I found a couple of baskets and decided to dress up my holiday Rolauden meal with a classic German Linzer Torte for dessert…of course, with my own twist. Lutz’s mom […]

German Markklößchen Soup

German Markklößchen Soup

Lutz’s mom introduced me to this feel-good soup, and it is one of the soups for special occasions. It is a broth with special dumplings. They use the morrow in beef bones (organic is best) along with an egg, bread crumbs, and seasonings. I’ve created […]

Greek Breakfast Eggs

Greek Breakfast Eggs

  Ok, this week’s cheese allotment went to a Greek Breakfast Egg, but you can also use dairy-free cheese. I’ve made both. It isn’t easy to find dairy-free cheese in Germany, so when I see it, I buy it, but this week, I couldn’t find […]

German Rotkohl

German Rotkohl

  I love both red and white German sauerkraut. The white sauerkraut is so delicious compared to the American brand. It’s much milder and seasoned with various spices. At the market on Saturday, you can pick up a container from different vendors, and it’s usually […]

German Rouladen

German Rouladen

  Amazingly simple and delicious. Seriously good stuff! When I was introduced to this delightful traditional meat dish, I had to question the ingredients, but my doubts were dismissed after one taste. It is a burst of tender meat filled with smokey bacon, spicy mustard, […]

Creamy Dairy-free Fish Soup

Creamy Dairy-free Fish Soup

  A winner! Easy, fast, and amazingly delicious. This is such a great appetizer, or double your bowl and have it as the main course. It’s so natural for us to grill up fish two to three times a week in the summer, but I […]

Authentic Birria Soup

Authentic Birria Soup

  I’m so disappointed with Mexican cuisine in Germany. It doesn’t exist unless you call it tomato sauce and catsup authentic Mexican sauce. Yes, seriously. Whenever someone says, “I’ve found the best Mexican restaurant in town,” I get hopeful. However, while living here, I never […]

Teriyaki Grilled Carrots & Asian Salad Dressing

Teriyaki Grilled Carrots & Asian Salad Dressing

  While on the boat, we typically eat the same food groups while traveling. Usually, a protein, some veggies, and some salad. I use my crockpot when it rains, but mostly we grill rain, snow, and sun! How do I keep things from getting boring? […]

Jalapeño Tuna

Jalapeño Tuna

  This is the best thing on the planet! Ok, Well almost. Cooking onboard the boat can be really HOT so we try to keep our cooking for the grill. When supplies get low I always have a can of organic tuna on board and […]

Grilled Merguez Zucchini Boats

Grilled Merguez Zucchini Boats

  Traveling to France has been so fun and learning about interesting foods especially. One of the most delicious sausages is Merguez. It’s similar to Chorizo. But they are usually made with ground lamb (sometimes beef or both) and spicy Harissa seasoning to give it […]

Grilled Tandoori Vegetables & Sauce

Grilled Tandoori Vegetables & Sauce

  Ok, I admit, while we are traveling on the boat we tend to eat the same type of meals over and over again. Dinner usually consists of, meat, some veggies, and maybe potatoes or sweet potatoes. Yes, it can get boring but I’ve found […]

Herb de Provence Oil

Herb de Provence Oil

  This oil is fantastic! I am so fortunate to have an herb garden at home and on my boat. I’ve made hummus a million times and decided this oil would knock it up a notch. Plus, heck, I’m in France, why not?  It was […]

Herb Hummus

Herb Hummus

  This is such an easy dip to make. I start with dried chickpeas and soak them overnight. Then I rinse them and boil the entire bag for 2 hours or more. I end up with 4 containers that I froze. Each batch was about […]

Swedish Potato Flour Sandkaka (Sandcake)

Swedish Potato Flour Sandkaka (Sandcake)

  Ok, so I had a senior moment (or should I say another senior moment). I was ordering some organic potato starch and clicked the wrong button and the next thing I knew I had received a 500 gm bag of organic potato flour. No, […]

Spicy Curried Red Lentil Soup

Spicy Curried Red Lentil Soup

  I love Lutz’s Lentil Soup and it’s rich flavors with pork belly or pork knuckle chunks, but tonight I wanted a different flavor. I wanted something Asian. I buy fresh Asian herbs and veggies and keep them in the freezer for such occasions. I […]

Asparagus Eggs Benedict

Asparagus Eggs Benedict

  It’s the season and I’m not wasting a bit of asparagus. These asparagus ends did not end up in my Creamy Asparagus Soup but right on the top of my poached eggs with my homemade Spicy Hollandaise Sauce and so easy. We kept the […]

Creamy Vegan/Paleo Alfredo Bean Sauce

Creamy Vegan/Paleo Alfredo Bean Sauce

  It’s time to hit the pantry and create something out of nothing. The longing for comfort food hit! I love pasta, and during this Corona Virus, I have bought a couple of boxes of gluten-free for when the urge hits and as a back-up […]

German Apple Cake (ApfelKuchen)

German Apple Cake (ApfelKuchen)

  I love the way Germans sweeten their cakes and sweets. When I first arrived 20 years ago, and before going gluten-free, I was so excited to step into one of the many bakeries that line the streets and treat myself to a decadent slice […]

Mango Salsa

Mango Salsa

  OOOh just so yummy. This was easy and tangy with a touch of sweetness and a whiff of the summer. Use it as a side to your Mexican or Indian dishes. Plus it’s a super side dish for all-round barbecues. We even ate the […]

Wild Garlic Pesto (Bärlauch)

Wild Garlic Pesto (Bärlauch)

  Once again the seasons in Germany surprise me with the array of wild herbs and plants. This time of year our wild garlic or as we call it, bärlauch, is in full bloom.  The street markets are decorated with herbs and radical-looking plants. There’s nothing […]

Netherland Mustard Soup (Mostersoep)

Netherland Mustard Soup (Mostersoep)

  This was one amazing soup. I had never heard of it until we landed in Sneek, NL. It was on the menu, and since it was made with cream, I decided my husband should get it, and I could take a taste test…dang was […]

Beef Bone Broth

Beef Bone Broth

  I’m fortunate to have an open market providing bio beef and bones. We dashed to the market Saturday to gather some essentials for the quarantine we will be facing here in Germany, and I created a nice list of things I’d need to make […]

Savory Broccoli Beef

Savory Broccoli Beef

  As you can see from many of my previous posts I LOVE SPICE! I’m learning the craft of not overpowering meals with my hot peppers and letting the true flavors come through. I think this one-dish definitely delivers. I chilled on the chilis and […]

Moroccan Chermoula Marok Chicken

Moroccan Chermoula Marok Chicken

  I love African food and it’s amazing how many different styles and seasonings exist throughout Africa. This is a northern recipe that may be closer to the Moroccan version of baked chicken with “pesto”.  I shop at Edeka because they have such a wide […]

Spicy Shepard’s Pie

Spicy Shepard’s Pie

  I’ve wanted to make this for years! I just love having comfort food in the cold days and since I see no sun in sight this was the weekend for experimenting.  I think I should change the name of my site to “From Stove […]

Curried Carrot Soup

Curried Carrot Soup

  I love going to the farmer’s market in Germany. The produce is always fresh, and so many unique veggies. On this trip, I found the biggest purple carrots I’ve ever seen. I love that deep dark purple, and then when you slice them, bright […]

Eggs Goldenrod

Eggs Goldenrod

  This is an old recipe I learned from my mother-in-law and it quickly became one of our family’s favorites! We prepare this dish every Christmas, New Years and Easter! Ok, plus in between for all kinds of occasions. It’s easy, quick and can feed […]

Cilantro Lime Salmon Cakes

Cilantro Lime Salmon Cakes

  We eat grilled salmon once a week and I might have a bit leftover. I usually scramble it into my morning eggs but this week I used the leftovers to make one of my favorite dishes, salmon cakes. It was FABULOUS! I drizzled a […]

Lemon Kale Italian Sausage Soup

Lemon Kale Italian Sausage Soup

  It’s soup season, and I’m on a roll. I love curling up with a good book and a bowl of soup when it is cold and rainy outside. This one was so good I didn’t make enough. Between my husband and me, we downed […]

Roasted Nopales Soup

Roasted Nopales Soup

  This turned out to be one of the most delicious and outrageous soups I’ve made. Outrageous because it’s cactus!!!!! I was in Borrego and happened to have had a hot bowl at Keslye’s Restaurant. I knew I had to figure this one out. It […]

Sweet Potato Hash

Sweet Potato Hash

  Want a power-packed breakfast the whole family can enjoy? This is it! Simple, quick and so delicious. Add a dash of hot sauce and bam! what a breakfast treat. This is our go-to for camping or on the boat. You can double it or […]

Orange Dreamsicle Pie

Orange Dreamsicle Pie

  This recipe is the craziest recipe yet. Seriously…dang easy and so versatile. I’ve made several variations, and now my mom is sold and has created a peach cream pie and a raspberry cream pie. The possibilities are endless. Don’t you remember eating Dreamsicle ice cream? […]

Netherland Spiced Bread

Netherland Spiced Bread

  We’ve been traveling in the Netherlands for a month now and very few places have gluten-free sweets in their bakeries. We happened upon a little shop that sold homemade Ontbijtkoek which basically translates to Breakfast Bread. It is very famous here and apparently was a […]

Asparagus Chicken Pasta

Asparagus Chicken Pasta

  One of the hardest things for me on this eating adventure is avoiding grains. I try to stay away from them but sometimes…you just got to have a bite of pasta. All my recipes that call for pasta I use gluten-free but they do contain […]

Asian Spiced Veggie Broil

Asian Spiced Veggie Broil

  Ok no brainer…really. Just grab your favorite veggies from the fridge and add this out of the world sauce and your mouth will have a celebration! I can throw them in my little baking oven on the boat and my confectioner oven in the […]

Homemade Fresh Bruschetta

Homemade Fresh Bruschetta

  I was so excited to get home from Italy and make this yummy Bruschetta with those small fresh tomatoes still on the vine. They smell so delicious and taste so sweet. We were having guests for dinner so this was the perfect time to experiment. […]

Crockpot Italian Whole Chicken

Crockpot Italian Whole Chicken

  Being back in German has its advantages. No stores open on Sunday, so life is slow and time for cooking up some recipes for the week. Plus, on Saturday, if you make it early to the open market down the street and are lucky […]

Crockpot Chicken Boney Broth

Crockpot Chicken Boney Broth

  I made it to my favorite organic meat stand at the Market this Saturday in time to get the last whole chicken. I needed some warm bone broth in this cold weather. Plus, a nice fresh chicken for my Crockpot Italian Whole Chicken recipe. Really […]

Dairy Free Cardamon Panna Cotta with Berry Compote

Dairy Free Cardamon Panna Cotta with Berry Compote

  This is by far the simplest and most elegant dessert I have ever made. It is luscious, creamy with a hint of vanilla bean and a taste of cardamon that hits the last bite as it accents the coconut cream. Truly, if I had […]

Quinoa Mexican Salad

Quinoa Mexican Salad

  I have just started using some grains in my diet and have discovered a new love for Quinoa. It is pretty versatile and can be seasoned to accompany any dish. I decided to serve this alongside my Mexican seasoned grilled flank steak. It is […]

Bacon & Zucchini Wrapped Chicken-Kabobs

Bacon & Zucchini Wrapped Chicken-Kabobs

  As I shared in several of my posts, we are rather boring when it comes to dinner recipes. We usually eat the “same old same old”, meat, veggies, potatoes. So I’m trying to get more creative and ingenious. You know, jazz it up with […]

Sambal Oelek Asian Soup

Sambal Oelek Asian Soup

  We’d just grilled a large pork loin with sauteed mushrooms, grilled potatoes, and a lovely salad. Two-thirds of this delicious piece of meat was leftover. I slid it into the fridge and figured we’d slice it up with our morning eggs. However…my mind started […]

Basic Versatile Pie Crust

Basic Versatile Pie Crust

  After many failures and recreations, I think I got this! This is a basic pie crust that has not failed me yet.  Thanks to Sonia at @HealthyFoodie, I could tweak her recipe a bit to fit all my plans. Check out her site. She’s […]

Quinoa Tabbouleh

Quinoa Tabbouleh

  I need to preface this recipe with a story that happened over 30 years ago. I was the director of a church preschool and happened to meet the coolest lady when enrolling her son in the program, Lanaya Sarkis (sorry for the spelling but […]

Tapioca Spring Rolls

Tapioca Spring Rolls

  I love Asian food and my favorite is the fresh spring rolls stuffed with fresh veggies and shrimp.  I know the ones in restaurants are made of rice paper and wished I could find a substitute instead of lettuce. I happened to be at […]

Belgium Ribs in a Tub

Belgium Ribs in a Tub

  Yes, that’s the truth. In a tub! I love my crockpot and when we have electricity on the boat it’s my best friend. We try to hit the road and see the sites during the day and when we come home there’s nothing better […]

Rub-a-dub-dub Rib Rub

Rub-a-dub-dub Rib Rub

  Yes, that’s the name because when you taste my Rub-a-dub-dub on your Belgium Ribs in a Tub. you’ll NEVER cook ribs any other way again…I promise. I find it so strange that all over Belgium and Netherlands, in every pub, there are RIBS and […]

Raspberry Cassava Crepes

Raspberry Cassava Crepes

  I’m on a Raspberry Roll! We happen to hit the close of the open Market in Namur, Belgium, and ended up with 20 trays of fresh raspberries for 5 euro. I had to think quickly about how to use them FAST! While walking home […]

Raspberry Medieval Compote

Raspberry Medieval Compote

  What do you do with 20 trays of raspberries for 5 euro? Well, first, you give a few away on the way home from the market and then use them quickly! Second, you come up with some ingenious ways to consume them! This recipe […]

Raspberry Belgium Sweetie Cake

Raspberry Belgium Sweetie Cake

I’m on a “Raspberry Roll”. I’m totally impressed with the bakery windows in Belgium that house the most decadent morsels on earth. They’re so beautiful they look fake. Filled with sugar, and flakey gluten-filled crusts that beg to be eaten. But, I remember how I […]

Pizza Egg

Pizza Egg

  Breakfast is one of our favorite meals and making them together has become a great source of enjoyment for both Lutz and me. He’ll cut the fruit and I’ll whip up some concoction and usually forget to take pictures and write the recipe down. […]

Italian Zudooles

Italian Zudooles

  I just love going to the open market on Saturdays in Germany. It’s alive with smells, people, and color! The stands are decorated and the displays resemble fresh food sculptures. Such a fest for the eyes. I happened to pick up some fresh tomatoes […]

Buttery Biscuits & Gravy

Buttery Biscuits & Gravy

Yes, you read that right, BUTTERY BISCUITS & GRAVY! I lived in Florida for over 10 years and I had never heard of this amazing breakfast until then. It’s so dang good and I had a hanker’n for it so had to find a way […]

Spicy Avocado Dip or Dressing

Spicy Avocado Dip or Dressing

I love cutting up veggies and dipping! This recipe can be a dip or a salad dressing and is easy to put together at the last minute. You can whip this up by hand or use your emersion blender. All you need on hand is […]

South of the Border Slaw

South of the Border Slaw

My California family has a long-standing tradition that whenever I’m “home”, in the USA, we go to La Especial in Leucadia, California. This is where the family goes at least twice a month; what can I say? One of the most delicious cabbage salads in […]

Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms

Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms

  Oh, the joys of being in San Diego in the winter! Fresh seafood every day of the week! These stuffed mushrooms accent the amazing variety of delicacies from the sea and are quick and easy to prepare. They make the most talked about appetizers […]

One Pot Pasta!

One Pot Pasta!

Fall is upon us and time is ticking. Between soccer, ballet, gym, and your personal tasks, cooking something super quick for dinner can be a challenge. But have no fear! This one is a weekly regular at our home and we LOVE IT. I’m presenting […]

Grilled Asian Meatballs & Veggie Pocket

Grilled Asian Meatballs & Veggie Pocket

  These meatballs were so easy to make, and I made them the day before. I fried them to seal them up, then put them in the fridge for the next evening’s barbecue (you can cook them on the grill immediately if you choose). The […]

Grilled Pocket Pesto Chicken & Veggies Pockets

Grilled Pocket Pesto Chicken & Veggies Pockets

  Yes, I’m on a roll. These pocket-grilled meals are amazing and so easy to prepare, plus the clean-up is “einfach,” which is easy in German! You’ll see many of these this summer, so I hope you try one of the recipes and enjoy it! […]

Chopped Asian Salad

Chopped Asian Salad

  This is so delicious and keeps in the fridge for 3 to 4 days, but it never lasts that long around our house. It’s quick, easy, and makes a great impression.  Or spread this on your gluten-free homemade bread or one of my Grain-Free Cassava […]

Grilled Basil Chicken & Rustic Pasta

Grilled Basil Chicken & Rustic Pasta

  Ok so I try to avoid eating processed foods but this little Italian shop opened next to us and I asked if they made gluten free…”Si señora, we make it all”. Ok, a few days later, I returned for my order and got the […]

Crunchy Rice & Taj Indian Spinach Eggs

Crunchy Rice & Taj Indian Spinach Eggs

  I love to make my Taj Indian Chicken & Spinach. After fishing out all the chicken I usually have sauce leftover and freeze it for the next batch. But on the boat, freezing this is not so easy. I tried to make a 2 serving portion […]

Chipotle Chili Spread

Chipotle Chili Spread

My friend, Trudy, would bring me back a jar of this delicious chili spread when she would visit her second home in the boot of Italy. I always use it up right away and decided it couldn’t be that hard to make. So I set […]

Buttery Banana Bread

Buttery Banana Bread

  Ok, so on a boat I am limited as to the number of supplies and ingredients. Plus without a car, driving to the nearest grocery store is not an alternative. The fridge is the size of a small cupboard and fresh fruit and veggies […]

Smokey Chipotle Coleslaw

Smokey Chipotle Coleslaw

Oh, am I ready for summer…we’re starting to grill in the chilly evenings anticipating the sun any day now. This weather doesn’t prevent me from planning easy, fast, yummy summer recipes. This is a must if you like Chipotle. I usually have a can of […]

Crispy Salmon Salad with Garlic Dressing

Crispy Salmon Salad with Garlic Dressing

My husband has mastered the perfect cooking time for salmon on the grill! Plus he’s discovered the nutritional value of eating the crispy skin. I’ve discovered the seasoning and the perfect dressing to accompany this fantastic salad!  The Garlic Dressing is so bold and tasty. If you like […]

Venison Goulash

Venison Goulash

I’d eaten venison years ago in Arizona and was never impressed with it. Maybe it was the way it was cooked or seasoned. Since living in Germany, venison is a way of life. They make venison sausage, goulash, loin roast, and on and on. These […]

Italian Meatball Soup

Italian Meatball Soup

Yes, it is still cold and snowy here, so soup it will be! This one is light, flavorful, and with a distinct yummy flavor. A combo of herbs, tangy spices, and a hint of hot peppers. Check it out and let me know what you […]

Red Curry Pumpkin Soup

Red Curry Pumpkin Soup

  Love, love, love this! We were camping at a campground that had a Halloween party for all the kids and families. Lutz happened to notice several pumpkins left on the table after cleaning up. He grabbed a couple of them, and now I am […]

Lemon & Garlic Chicken

Lemon & Garlic Chicken

Was planning on cooking this on the grill in my iron skillet but since the rain came back I whipped it up in my dutch oven and made tangy Lemon & Garlic Gravy with the sauce. I accompanied it with white asparagus. The lemon gravy was […]

Carne Tacos

Carne Tacos

I’m on a roll… Just can’t seem to get enough of my Mexican food lately, so I took my grass fed pot roast and loaded it with seasoning, covered it for a day in the crockpot, then I went out and enjoyed the sun, finely! This […]

Easy Peasy BBQ Pork Belly

Easy Peasy BBQ Pork Belly

  Ok, it is finally summer here in Germany, and we are on a roll with the BBQ! We ordered some pork belly from our Bio-farmer guy at the market!!!! We made some soups and then looked at the last package and said now what…? […]

Baja Shrimp & Zucchini Noodles

Baja Shrimp & Zucchini Noodles

Oh so spicy and flavorful. This is a quick dish and one that sets the house smelling so good! If the windows are open you might have neighbors showing up for dinner. I use a seasoning that is popular in the USA, especially in San Diego. It […]

Vietnamese Please Soup

Vietnamese Please Soup

We go to a little Vietnamese restaurant called Saigon, which is right around the corner. It is one of the restaurants where I feel confident that all the veggies are fresh and come from the open market. Plus, they are happy to accommodate my gluten, […]

Creamy Asparagus Soup (Spargelsuppe)

Creamy Asparagus Soup (Spargelsuppe)

  I am refusing to let go of asparagus season or what the Germans call “Spargel Zeit.” I’ve been stockpiling the ends. I carefully peeled all my spargel, cut the ends off, and then froze them until I had enough to create a farewell soup […]

White Asparagus

White Asparagus

I never thought about it until I was asked by a colleague one day, “How do you cook white asparagus?” Then  it dawned on me: maybe there are others who wonder how to cook these tasty treats. So here you go my friends!

Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo

Summer is the time for savory cold salads that keep you going all day. I like to make a huge batch of this Pico de Gallo and use it all week on my eggs, chicken salads, and to top off my Carne Asada tacos or […]

Cilantro Chimichurri

Cilantro Chimichurri

  OOOOOh so good. There are 1000 different things you can do with this sauce… ok, ok, ok, close to 1000. From marinades to salad dressing, from topping off a taco to dressing up your morning eggs! It makes the best marinade for chicken and pork, […]

Carne Asada Steak

Carne Asada Steak

  Ok, I know I should have checked with my daughter and her father-in-law, Enrique Lopez, about this one, but after tasting it I think I done did good! While in San Diego it seems unheard of to not have Mexican food at LEAST once a week. But […]

Jalapeño Sweet Potato Hash

Jalapeño Sweet Potato Hash

Woohooh! This was truly an experiment and one that I will repeat. Such flavor, sweet and spicy and bits of fresh jalapeños throughout! Perfect for a side dish with dinner or lunch, or top with a fried or scrambled egg for breakfast and serve with a […]

Prized Pizza Crust

Prized Pizza Crust

FINALLY, after many attempts of trying and eating cardboard crust I believe I found the recipe for my monthly pizza! It was like there all the time, I just had to discover it… LOL. Couple of tricks, and ta-da! You will need cassava flour and […]

Spicy Chicken Wrap

Spicy Chicken Wrap

Quick and easy…that’s what it’s all about on a boat or living in our RV. Plus in the summer who wants the heat in the kitchen. These are so fast to make and you can serve them for lunch, snacks or anytime of the day. […]

B&B Pesto

B&B Pesto

Ok, I know you are wondering, “What in the world does B&B stand for?” Wait no longer! Create this yourself using Black Basil, Black Olive Oil, and toasted pine nuts! It is so yummy. I used it to marinate our grilled veggies. What a feast! […]

Grilled Veggies with B&B Pesto or…

Grilled Veggies with B&B Pesto or…

  I think summer is starting to realize it is late. Last week, the sun chose to shine for a couple of days. We took advantage of this and snuck out to do some grilling! I am addicted to these Grilled Veggies with my B&B […]

Poached Pot Roast

Poached Pot Roast

Ok so everyone knows how to cook a pot roast in a crockpot right? But how about a Poached Pot Roast in a crockpot? Check out my recipe for Poached Pot Roast. I cover it with homemade broth or organic bouillon. My son taught me this […]

Tandoori Chicken In The Rain

Tandoori Chicken In The Rain

Whenever the sun is out, we are out BBQ’ing…well, even when it rains we are out there. We have a big umbrella! When the urge for Indian food hits, nothing can stop us. This recipe is so good. We had just gone out for Indian […]

Infused Egg Bake & Side Sauce

Infused Egg Bake & Side Sauce

  What a way to start your day! No more excuses for not having time for breakfast. This delicious recipe is easy to make and creates a super breakfast for the whole family. Slice it up into ten individual meals and keep it in the […]

Sausage or Spinach Empanadas

Sausage or Spinach Empanadas

  Ole! My home is in San Diego, and I guess this is why I love spicy food so much. Going to Mexico with my daughter, Jericho, and her family this summer was so much fun. My daughter and I stayed overnight at a winery […]

Chili Lime Shrimp

Chili Lime Shrimp

This is one of our favorite dishes. Reminds me of home and the local fish restaurants that grill the shrimp or bring it to you in a bubbling sauce of garlic. Plus it has the taste of summer. It’s easy and quick.

Asian Spiced Chicken

Asian Spiced Chicken

  Moving to Germany sixteen years ago posed a food challenge for me: I love hot and spicy, but Germany is basically bland meat and potatoes with gravy and over-cooked veggies. It has changed since I first arrived, and new restaurants pop up every day […]

Crazy Curry Seasoning

Crazy Curry Seasoning

  I searched the net for curry powders, and there were as many curries as there are languages in India! It is amazing, and they all have their own unique twists––so I decided I could do the same thing. Here you go! This is my version […]

Spicy Cajun Delight

Spicy Cajun Delight

  Oh yeah…this is so simple and delicious. Warms the soul and the belly! It is a nice fall/winter treat, and the colors are just great for a summer BBQ. Whip this up with cauliflower rice and BAMB! you are the star of the dinner […]

Nut’n Butter Than Indian Butter Chicken

Nut’n Butter Than Indian Butter Chicken

  Butter Chicken is a warm creamy dish that smells and tastes superb. It has a hint of cinnamon and the scent of cardamom that just begs to be eaten with Spicy Lime Chutney! Once again, I searched several sites and read the book Complete Indian written […]

Taj Palak Spinach

Taj Palak Spinach

  I am in love with this creamy spinach curry-infused dish! It is so simple and delicious. I usually double the gravy and freeze it to have it on hand when the urge hits me. The recipe itself is quite simple. I like to create […]

Tom Kha Gai Soup

Tom Kha Gai Soup

  As you can see, I’m on a soup roll. This is one of my favorite dishes, and it’s easy and quick to make. I can’t say I invented it, but after trial and error and reading a million recipes from the web, this recipe […]

Spicy Pickled Lime Chutney

Spicy Pickled Lime Chutney

  This is one of my annual event recipes. If you love hot, spicy, and salty––this is worth the wait…and I mean, wait! This takes about a month of patience, but it is so yummy and so tasty, especially on Carla’s Gluten-Free Recipe Box Naan […]

Mangled Mango & Apple Chutney

Mangled Mango & Apple Chutney

This is the most flavorful chutney in the world…ok, well in my world. My mother taught me how to make this as a child, and of course, I have had to experiment with every batch. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Thanks, […]

Garam Masala

Garam Masala

  Making Indian food has become a passion of mine, and I have so enjoyed reading and researching the different curries and spices of Asia…and sampling the tasty dishes from this part of the world. Garam Masala, like curries, varies from country to country. It is one […]

European Herb Chicken

European Herb Chicken

European Herb Chicken 4 – Chicken breast cubed Gluten-free pasta or cauliflower rice (see recipe below) Herb Seasoning: 1/4 cup macadamia nut oil or coconut oil 1 tablespoon Minnie’s Italian seasoning * recipe to follow. Or any Italian spice. 1 tsp of Himalayan salt 1 […]

Twisted Chicken over Spiraled Zucchini

Twisted Chicken over Spiraled Zucchini

Chicken Pick your chicken. I buy fresh Bio chicken already cut since my husband and I like different parts so we usually have 2 breasts, 2 wigs 2 thighs, and 2 drumsticks. Chicken 2 onions 4 cloves of garlic 3-5 tsp of coconut oil 3 […]

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