Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters


Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

  So, so good! This lemon meatball dish is quick and easy. Make the meatballs the day before as I did and put them in the fridge. The next day, I took them out to get to room temperature while I made the sauce. Fifteen […]

Chicken Steaks & Lemon Cream Sauce

Chicken Steaks & Lemon Cream Sauce

  This was so easy and made my day! The weather is changing, and the grill will soon be wrapped up for winter. I am searching for some comfy winter food ideas, and this one will definitely be on the menu. The nice thing is […]

Creamy Italian Lasagna or Spicy Fusilli Sauce

Creamy Italian Lasagna or Spicy Fusilli Sauce

  I have been on an Italian food mission with this cold and rainy boat summer we’ve been experiencing in Berlin. It just seems to warm the soul. We happened to have dinner in an Italian restaurant with Dagmar and Peter, our boat friends, and […]

Herby Cassava Cheese Crackers

Herby Cassava Cheese Crackers

  It’s so easy to buy gluten-free products while on our boat. Although great for emergencies, they are filled with unnecessary ingredients. I’ve made a point not to buy as much this boating season. I decided to use my delicious dips and spreads and make […]

Buffalo Cheese Sauce & Chicken Asparagus Pasta

Buffalo Cheese Sauce & Chicken Asparagus Pasta

  This was created out of a deep need to get warm! We’d been on the boat for over a month heading to Berlin, and the rain was persistent, so barbecuing was out of the question. It’s time for some warm comfy food to fill […]

Turkey Meatballs and Honey Mustard Sauce

Turkey Meatballs and Honey Mustard Sauce

  This spicy-sweet dinner was gone in minutes! This dish got rave reviews from both her kids and her husband. It’s a combo of recipes I’ve read about and some ingredients I love to combine to make sauces pop! I’ve been staying with my daughter […]

Creamy Dairy-free Roasted Mushroom Alfredo Sauce

Creamy Dairy-free Roasted Mushroom Alfredo Sauce

  I miss thick, creamy Alfredo sauce with roasted mushrooms. It’s delicious on my gluten-free pasta and grilled salmon…if you’re missing the thick creamy flavor of Alfredo sauce too, then keep reading…if not, well, maybe this recipe will convince you you need to try it […]

Best Pizza Crust!

Best Pizza Crust!

Ok, if I were allowed one last meal, it would be pizza.  When I started this gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free journey in 2014, I was devastated that I could no longer have pizza. I worked really hard to heal my gut and begin to rebuild […]

Tuscany Spiced Chicken

Tuscany Spiced Chicken

  This month I was invited to do a Google Zoom with a group of excellent DoDD teachers from Kaiserslautern, Germany. What a blast! My host, Terri, made the most delicious Dark Chocolate Keto Cookies dipped in chocolate ganache and sprinkled with nuts or coconut. […]

Creamy Vegan/Paleo Alfredo Bean Sauce

Creamy Vegan/Paleo Alfredo Bean Sauce

  It’s time to hit the pantry and create something out of nothing. The longing for comfort food hit! I love pasta, and during this Corona Virus, I have bought a couple of boxes of gluten-free for when the urge hits and as a back-up […]

Lemon Kale Italian Sausage Soup

Lemon Kale Italian Sausage Soup

  It’s soup season, and I’m on a roll. I love curling up with a good book and a bowl of soup when it is cold and rainy outside. This one was so good I didn’t make enough. Between my husband and me, we downed […]

Asparagus Chicken Pasta

Asparagus Chicken Pasta

  One of the hardest things for me on this eating adventure is avoiding grains. I try to stay away from them but sometimes…you just got to have a bite of pasta. All my recipes that call for pasta I use gluten-free but they do contain […]

Homemade Fresh Bruschetta

Homemade Fresh Bruschetta

  I was so excited to get home from Italy and make this yummy Bruschetta with those small fresh tomatoes still on the vine. They smell so delicious and taste so sweet. We were having guests for dinner so this was the perfect time to experiment. […]

Crockpot Italian Whole Chicken

Crockpot Italian Whole Chicken

  Being back in German has its advantages. No stores open on Sunday, so life is slow and time for cooking up some recipes for the week. Plus, on Saturday, if you make it early to the open market down the street and are lucky […]

Dairy Free Cardamon Panna Cotta with Berry Compote

Dairy Free Cardamon Panna Cotta with Berry Compote

  This is by far the simplest and most elegant dessert I have ever made. It is luscious, creamy with a hint of vanilla bean and a taste of cardamon that hits the last bite as it accents the coconut cream. Truly, if I had […]

Pizza Egg

Pizza Egg

  Breakfast is one of our favorite meals and making them together has become a great source of enjoyment for both Lutz and me. He’ll cut the fruit and I’ll whip up some concoction and usually forget to take pictures and write the recipe down. […]

Italian Zudooles

Italian Zudooles

  I just love going to the open market on Saturdays in Germany. It’s alive with smells, people, and color! The stands are decorated and the displays resemble fresh food sculptures. Such a fest for the eyes. I happened to pick up some fresh tomatoes […]

One Pot Pasta!

One Pot Pasta!

Fall is upon us and time is ticking. Between soccer, ballet, gym, and your personal tasks, cooking something super quick for dinner can be a challenge. But have no fear! This one is a weekly regular at our home and we LOVE IT. I’m presenting […]

Grilled Pocket Pesto Chicken & Veggies Pockets

Grilled Pocket Pesto Chicken & Veggies Pockets

  Yes, I’m on a roll. These pocket-grilled meals are amazing and so easy to prepare, plus the clean-up is “einfach,” which is easy in German! You’ll see many of these this summer, so I hope you try one of the recipes and enjoy it! […]

Grilled Basil Chicken & Rustic Pasta

Grilled Basil Chicken & Rustic Pasta

  Ok so I try to avoid eating processed foods but this little Italian shop opened next to us and I asked if they made gluten free…”Si señora, we make it all”. Ok, a few days later, I returned for my order and got the […]

Italian Meatball Soup

Italian Meatball Soup

Yes, it is still cold and snowy here, so soup it will be! This one is light, flavorful, and with a distinct yummy flavor. A combo of herbs, tangy spices, and a hint of hot peppers. Check it out and let me know what you […]

Lemon & Garlic Chicken

Lemon & Garlic Chicken

Was planning on cooking this on the grill in my iron skillet but since the rain came back I whipped it up in my dutch oven and made tangy Lemon & Garlic Gravy with the sauce. I accompanied it with white asparagus. The lemon gravy was […]

Prized Pizza Crust

Prized Pizza Crust

FINALLY, after many attempts of trying and eating cardboard crust I believe I found the recipe for my monthly pizza! It was like there all the time, I just had to discover it… LOL. Couple of tricks, and ta-da! You will need cassava flour and […]

B&B Pesto

B&B Pesto

Ok, I know you are wondering, “What in the world does B&B stand for?” Wait no longer! Create this yourself using Black Basil, Black Olive Oil, and toasted pine nuts! It is so yummy. I used it to marinate our grilled veggies. What a feast! […]

Infused Egg Bake & Side Sauce

Infused Egg Bake & Side Sauce

  What a way to start your day! No more excuses for not having time for breakfast. This delicious recipe is easy to make and creates a super breakfast for the whole family. Slice it up into ten individual meals and keep it in the […]

Twisted Chicken over Spiraled Zucchini

Twisted Chicken over Spiraled Zucchini

Chicken Pick your chicken. I buy fresh Bio chicken already cut since my husband and I like different parts so we usually have 2 breasts, 2 wigs 2 thighs, and 2 drumsticks. Chicken 2 onions 4 cloves of garlic 3-5 tsp of coconut oil 3 […]

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