Turkish Hummus
I know you all know how to make hummus. It’s a staple in most homes today. This recipe adds a bit of kick and is so flavorful, with one great secret. I typically use dried chickpeas and pressure cook them for 45 minutes. If […]
I know you all know how to make hummus. It’s a staple in most homes today. This recipe adds a bit of kick and is so flavorful, with one great secret. I typically use dried chickpeas and pressure cook them for 45 minutes. If […]
This was a Godsend. Cooking bread on my boat is not impossible since I’ve done it often, but this recipe beats them all when traveling or hanging out in an Airbnb for a holiday. They will be my go-to when I am home as […]
Don’t be left out this holiday season. This fudge is one in a million. Seriously! Do not tell anyone it is made with an avocado. They will never know. The deep, creamy, chocolatey texture is better than anything you have ever tasted. It changed […]
This was created out of a deep need to get warm! We’d been on the boat for over a month heading to Berlin, and the rain was persistent, so barbecuing was out of the question. It’s time for some warm comfy food to fill […]
This recipe is so easy! Remember that fresh strawberry pie your mom made with jello? This is my version made with organic Vita Protein Beef Gelatin and Monk Fruit sugar. So no guilt involved, only the robust taste of a refreshing burst of summer! […]
Marmalade is one of the main dishes for breakfast in Germany. I jest, but no früstück is complete without a homemade preserve the table. Since it is blood orange season here, my juices are flowing with ideas, and of course, this marmalade is a […]
Yes, this is a no-brainer for sure. It’s all in the sauce, the ingredients, portion size, and timing. With this cooking style, you can use any meat, fish, or veggies you like. Plus, it’s quick and straightforward. I love using any of the sauces […]
Since moving to Wolfach, I’ve had some interesting moments of childhood favorite food memories. My mother would make the best tapioca pudding, and now I’ve reintroduced it into my life through a mistake. I ordered tapioca pearls instead of tapioca starch. I was suddenly […]
YES, it’s dairy-free and yummy! Tapioca pudding was my mom’s favorite treat for the family. We thought we had died and gone to heaven. It was decadently creamy and had just a hint of sugar. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until […]
I miss thick, creamy Alfredo sauce with roasted mushrooms. It’s delicious on my gluten-free pasta and grilled salmon…if you’re missing the thick creamy flavor of Alfredo sauce too, then keep reading…if not, well, maybe this recipe will convince you you need to try it […]
I’m trying to cut down on lectin, and potatoes have a ton, so my doctor shared how I could continue eating them. I clean them well, stab them once with a fork, and place them in my instant pot for 40 minutes. Then I […]
I cook Asian food every week, and my taster, Lutz, said this one is the best we’ve ever had…so here goes! I must admit it was amazing and had a robust flavor and a surprise kick. You can use chicken or go vegan and […]
My mom, Peggy, has always been my inspiration for creative cooking. It was not uncommon to come home from school to see something cooking on the stove and a new aroma filtering through the house. I recall a week-long marathon of Julia Childs’ French […]
I love both red and white German sauerkraut. The white sauerkraut is so delicious compared to the American brand. It’s much milder and seasoned with various spices. At the market on Saturday, you can pick up a container from different vendors, and it’s usually […]
While on the boat, we typically eat the same food groups while traveling. Usually, a protein, some veggies, and some salad. I use my crockpot when it rains, but mostly we grill rain, snow, and sun! How do I keep things from getting boring? […]
Easy right? Ok, so I had a large batch of rooted cilantro from my Asian store and it was wilting fast…what to do? Make a pesto. So, I wanted it to be unique and decided to use roasted pecans I’d been saving for a […]
Yes, I do eat potatoes and yes, I do eat pretty much the same food groups each dinner. But the key to jazzing up your meals is the spice and sauce. I find that I can change the flavor of any dish just by […]
Traveling to France has been so fun and learning about interesting foods especially. One of the most delicious sausages is Merguez. It’s similar to Chorizo. But they are usually made with ground lamb (sometimes beef or both) and spicy Harissa seasoning to give it […]
Ok, I admit, while we are traveling on the boat we tend to eat the same type of meals over and over again. Dinner usually consists of, meat, some veggies, and maybe potatoes or sweet potatoes. Yes, it can get boring but I’ve found […]
As you know, we are off and heading to Strasbourg on our boat, Virus. I threw everything from our home freezer into the ice chest in hopes of rejuvenating it on the boat into something beyond amazing. One of the labeled packages was […]
This oil is fantastic! I am so fortunate to have an herb garden at home and on my boat. I’ve made hummus a million times and decided this oil would knock it up a notch. Plus, heck, I’m in France, why not? It was […]
This is such an easy dip to make. I start with dried chickpeas and soak them overnight. Then I rinse them and boil the entire bag for 2 hours or more. I end up with 4 containers that I froze. Each batch was about […]
I love Lutz’s Lentil Soup and it’s rich flavors with pork belly or pork knuckle chunks, but tonight I wanted a different flavor. I wanted something Asian. I buy fresh Asian herbs and veggies and keep them in the freezer for such occasions. I […]
It’s time to hit the pantry and create something out of nothing. The longing for comfort food hit! I love pasta, and during this Corona Virus, I have bought a couple of boxes of gluten-free for when the urge hits and as a back-up […]
OOOh just so yummy. This was easy and tangy with a touch of sweetness and a whiff of the summer. Use it as a side to your Mexican or Indian dishes. Plus it’s a super side dish for all-round barbecues. We even ate the […]
Once again the seasons in Germany surprise me with the array of wild herbs and plants. This time of year our wild garlic or as we call it, bärlauch, is in full bloom. The street markets are decorated with herbs and radical-looking plants. There’s nothing […]
I love going to the farmer’s market in Germany. The produce is always fresh, and so many unique veggies. On this trip, I found the biggest purple carrots I’ve ever seen. I love that deep dark purple, and then when you slice them, bright […]
I loved Chunky candy bars growing up. Biting into a burst of juicy raisins and toasted almonds covered in milk chocolate is like, well…you know AMAZINGLY SATISFYING. I took this recipe to a “healthish” level by using cranberries, toasted almonds and, covering them with melted […]
These little bites of yum will thrill your tastebuds. Chewy, creamy, and nutty, with a tang of ginger and orange. Just the right sweetness and so delightful. Each is filled with all-natural ingredients and no processed sugar. You can add a scoop of your […]
This turned out to be one of the most delicious and outrageous soups I’ve made. Outrageous because it’s cactus!!!!! I was in Borrego and happened to have had a hot bowl at Keslye’s Restaurant. I knew I had to figure this one out. It […]
This is the simplest mock cheese and is so tasty. I use it on everything from pizza to zucchini noodles. It’s amazing for dips as well. Top off your casserole with this Italian-flavored mock cheese, and no one will know but you! There’s one […]
Ok no brainer…really. Just grab your favorite veggies from the fridge and add this out of the world sauce and your mouth will have a celebration! I can throw them in my little baking oven on the boat and my confectioner oven in the […]
This was my side dish for our family Christmas dinner this year and since the invention of this amazing side dish, I have decided I’m not going to wait a year to enjoy it again. So easy to make and just the right tang! The […]
I have just started using some grains in my diet and have discovered a new love for Quinoa. It is pretty versatile and can be seasoned to accompany any dish. I decided to serve this alongside my Mexican seasoned grilled flank steak. It is […]
OH, MY WORD is all I can say. We love potatoes and usually eat them like fries broiled in avocado oil. Well, I had the family over to the campground. I was serving up my Bacon & Zucchini Wrapped Chicken Kabobs when I decided that […]
What do you do with 20 trays of raspberries for 5 euro? Well, first, you give a few away on the way home from the market and then use them quickly! Second, you come up with some ingenious ways to consume them! This recipe […]
OK yes, I know cut back go clean. THESE are really, truly “cleanish” I promise! So simple, quick and you can change them up with a whim. I was having a young, old friend coming for lunch and decided to do the salad spread […]
I just love going to the open market on Saturdays in Germany. It’s alive with smells, people, and color! The stands are decorated and the displays resemble fresh food sculptures. Such a fest for the eyes. I happened to pick up some fresh tomatoes […]
My friend, Trudy, would bring me back a jar of this delicious chili spread when she would visit her second home in the boot of Italy. I always use it up right away and decided it couldn’t be that hard to make. So I set […]
I can’t take credit for this one since it has been published on several websites. It’s simple, delicious, and, best of all, dairy-free. The only problem is that you need to refrigerate the coconut cream overnight. I usually keep two large cartons in the […]
I’ve been so blessed to have a partner who also enjoys cooking. Lutz, my husband, has mastered the art of lentil soup. This is it for those who love soup and eat lentils. I believe all the rain on this RV trip leads to […]
I laughed to myself when I decide to post this recipe. As a retired teacher this was one of the funnest class cooking activities we used to do in the fall. Actually I don’t know one early childhood teacher who hasn’t tried this once in their […]
Ok, ok…so I love sweet potatoes, and I try all kinds of ways to use them in recipes: puddings, bread, shakes, fries, and whipped with organic butter and salt–but this is one of my favorites. These are great as a snack or a side […]
We go to a little Vietnamese restaurant called Saigon, which is right around the corner. It is one of the restaurants where I feel confident that all the veggies are fresh and come from the open market. Plus, they are happy to accommodate my gluten, […]
I am refusing to let go of asparagus season or what the Germans call “Spargel Zeit.” I’ve been stockpiling the ends. I carefully peeled all my spargel, cut the ends off, and then froze them until I had enough to create a farewell soup […]
I never thought about it until I was asked by a colleague one day, “How do you cook white asparagus?” Then it dawned on me: maybe there are others who wonder how to cook these tasty treats. So here you go my friends!
I’m pretty sure I got this idea from my trips to Spain. Regardless of where the inspiration came from, it’s very delicious and easy to prepare. These little gems are so tasty smothered with my Cilantro Chimichurri sauce. Check it out on my site!
OOOOOh so good. There are 1000 different things you can do with this sauce… ok, ok, ok, close to 1000. From marinades to salad dressing, from topping off a taco to dressing up your morning eggs! It makes the best marinade for chicken and pork, […]
Quick and easy…that’s what it’s all about on a boat or living in our RV. Plus in the summer who wants the heat in the kitchen. These are so fast to make and you can serve them for lunch, snacks or anytime of the day. […]
I think summer is starting to realize it is late. Last week, the sun chose to shine for a couple of days. We took advantage of this and snuck out to do some grilling! I am addicted to these Grilled Veggies with my B&B […]
It might be quite obvious that I’m not enjoying this spring weather when I only think about soup. You’re right…But I am looking for the good in the weather. My mantra for this cloudy, rainy month has been: “Thank you, Universe, for the rain […]
DEEEEEElicious! Seriously, folks, it is amazingly delicious. If you’re feeling a winter hangover this spring in Germany, then this is what you need! Cozy pumpkin or sweet potato crepes with a warm tart topping of rhubarb and a hint of ginger to revive your […]
This was inspired by Sonia Lacasse and her great cookbook Paleo Home Cooking. I love the chapter on nut butter and did a spin on one of them. Remember you must soak your raw cashews for 10-24 hours. I hope you like it. This butter […]
I have to say this is not my recipe, BUT it is the easiest and best I’ve found. I discovered it on the site thekitchn.com. It’s amazing and has never failed. So, my thanks go out to Faith at thekitchn.com! Oh yeah, don’t let […]
Ok the name is strange but the flavors are great. This seasoning can be used on pork as well so get out the barbecue and fire it up. We LOVE this stuff and put it on our chicken and our grilled veggies. It’s delicious on potatoes […]
I love this rice. Really it is so versatile and can be adapted to any cuisine. When making African food I add raisins and pistachios. So it can be dressed up to meet your cooking desires and creativity!
This spice makes a great rub for chicken or pork, and it’ll bring a kick to your morning eggs or hollandaise sauce. It is the main seasoning for Spicy Cajun Delight. Simple to make and stores nicely for months in a sealed jar! Every time […]
Oh yeah…this is so simple and delicious. Warms the soul and the belly! It is a nice fall/winter treat, and the colors are just great for a summer BBQ. Whip this up with cauliflower rice and BAMB! you are the star of the dinner […]
This is really beautiful and versatile. You can use it for all Italian recipes and dips. I try to use my dried plants when making this seasoning. The recipe was constructed using both ground and fresh dried herbs, so get creative and use your cooking […]
This red robust sauce gets its color from my 2 secret ingredients. Ok, no secret anymore. But its due to the sun-dried tomatoes and the dash of dark paprika. Tomato sauce is a staple for me. I make a huge pot and then freeze it […]
This is the best, really! If you are avoiding grains or carbohydrates then give this a try. It is really yummy and can be flavored according to your cuisine. Simple and quick!
I am in love with this creamy spinach curry-infused dish! It is so simple and delicious. I usually double the gravy and freeze it to have it on hand when the urge hits me. The recipe itself is quite simple. I like to create […]
This is one of my annual event recipes. If you love hot, spicy, and salty––this is worth the wait…and I mean, wait! This takes about a month of patience, but it is so yummy and so tasty, especially on Carla’s Gluten-Free Recipe Box Naan […]
This is the most flavorful chutney in the world…ok, well in my world. My mother taught me how to make this as a child, and of course, I have had to experiment with every batch. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Thanks, […]
My Grandma was from England and taught me to drink pearl tea and eat British biscuits from the tin. I found the right combination to recreate the biscuits, and now I think of her every time I eat one…or two…or three, or, well, you […]
This is the best salad. I went to my husband’s son’s house to visit in Munich, and his wife made this for us. It is one of the vegetables I get each week from our Bio home delivery company, and it just sits there […]
This recipe is dedicated to my sister Melissa. Every year my husband and I travel to my home town near San Diego. The area is known for surfing, meditation, and good food. Although I lived in Del Mar, my stomping grounds stretched all the way […]