Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

Travel Blog

2024 October: 🎼 Oh It’s Good to be Back Home Again 🎼

2024 October: 🎼 Oh It’s Good to be Back Home Again 🎼

  We arrived home to Kehl and put Virus, our boat, to bed until next season…we hope! After a long day of cleaning and packing, we enjoyed a delicious shrimp dinner at Kehl Harbor Restaurant, which I have replicated at home. Check out this month’s […]

2024 September: Driving with the Big Boys

2024 September: Driving with the Big Boys

  What a trip, seriously! We started from our harbor in Kehl on June 15th, and in 70 days, we stayed in 38 different harbors. I drove through 312 locks while Lutz went up and down the steps to manage the ropes. I did have […]

2024 August: Something I will never do again

2024 August: Something I will never do again

  At least, I hope not… Let’s catch you up to date first before I explain. In the last post, we were in Niederviller, where we had a small repair done and had one last dinner at our favorite French restaurant, Auberge du Tannenheim. And […]

2024 June: From Sea to Snow to Storms!

2024 June: From Sea to Snow to Storms!

  This last month has been one of our most adventurous trips. Our aim was Croatia. Getting there and returning, we traveled through five countries from Germany: Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, and back to Germany. I’ve learned a lot about traveling for a month […]

2024 May: YIKES! I Slept Through The Alarm!

2024 May: YIKES! I Slept Through The Alarm!

  Yes, that’s exactly how I feel. Like I slept through the alarm for a meeting or missed work! The stress and my clouded head go into overdrive to fix the situation. Oh, I know what happened. Apparently, I’ve slept through part of spring and […]

2024 March: I’m Back In Business; Post’n, Cook’n & Tour’n!

2024 March: I’m Back In Business; Post’n, Cook’n & Tour’n!

Sorry about the 2024 February Newsletter being hand-addressed to you all. Anyone familiar with programming sites and domains knows how crazy this can get when new legal procedures are set in place. I’m all set now and ready for some more adventures! We’ve been preparing […]

2024 February: The Rollercoaster Month of the year!

2024 February: The Rollercoaster Month of the year!

  Where did the time go? Seriously, folks, I feel like we’ve been around the world and back in a day. Thank goodness for pictures. This month, we were constantly on the move with unexpected adventures. If I remember right, I ended my last month’s […]

2024 January: What A Way To End The Year!

2024 January: What A Way To End The Year!

  This has been one heck of a year! So much has transpired with family and friends, but the biggest surprise is how we traveled to the USA without Johnny and Cash, our truck, and our fifth wheel that we sold last year. We’ve been […]

2023 December: Look Out, Man On The Run!

2023 December: Look Out, Man On The Run!

  Well, we are off and running! We ran away from the rain, snow, and cold of Germany to sunny Florida to connect with friends I hadn’t seen in twenty-five years or more. FaceTime is great, but a physical hug is the greatest gift of […]

2023 November: “Friendly” Advice from a Bear and Boxer

2023 November: “Friendly” Advice from a Bear and Boxer

  While I was exploring articles about friendship and visiting so many friends this last month, this statement by “Unknown” really hit home: “Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older you get.” This explains a lot about my established […]

2023 October: Ready or not here it comes!

2023 October: Ready or not here it comes!

Yes, fall is falling upon us, and I’m trying to get ready! This month has been exhausting! To catch you all up, we made it home from Berlin without incident and put Virus to bed. Lots of repairs from bumps and bangs, but nothing the […]

2023 September: Little Surprises Are the Best Part of Life!

2023 September: Little Surprises Are the Best Part of Life!

  Exactly one hundred days, over one hundred locks (the heights we’ve ever done was 19 meters), 65 anchoring spots, 310 engine hours, 3000 kilometers, 1500 L of diesel…what an experience! I was not looking forward to the long trip home, but we had some […]

2023 August: S.O.S Save our Ship!

2023 August: S.O.S Save our Ship!

  S.O.S. Save Our Ship! The first thing I thought when the waves crashed against our boat at 1:30 in the morning was, “Where is the flare gun?” It’s been a great trip, and we have enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people and exploring the […]

2023 July: What a successful month except for one small problem…

2023 July: What a successful month except for one small problem…

  We lost the keys to the boat and bikes! This was a serious problem and only solved through the kindness of others. Let’s bring you up to date, shall we? This has been a rather successful month for all of us. Thank goodness! I […]

2023 June: Does the name of the boat guide It’s destiny?

2023 June: Does the name of the boat guide It’s destiny?

  Well, there is something in the name of a boat! I’m not sure about the Black Pearl, but the body in the Rhein is yet to be determined. Virus has been a safe name considering it has kept us from sinking and invasions from […]

2023 May: We “cashed” it all in this trip!

2023 May: We “cashed” it all in this trip!

  With a sad heart, we bid farewell to Johnny (our truck) and Cash (our 5th Wheel). We sold them both before we returned home to Germany. But… this trip was filled with some of the most fun since we bought them both in 2016 […]

2023 April: it’s Raining Cash!

2023 April: it’s Raining Cash!

  When it rains, it pours…Cash! They say it never rains in Southern California, and that’s not true. It pours. Our RV, Cash, has definitely stayed true to his name! The land is grateful, as you can see in the picture above. These hills along highway […]

2023 March: Cathy & Bailey in the Land of OZ, and The Magic Shoe!

2023 March: Cathy & Bailey in the Land of OZ, and The Magic Shoe!

  Before I share the worst of this month’s travels, I have to share all the good and happy moments. There were so many great happenings before the tornado hit, and we lost the magic shoe! While at Fiddlers Cove on Coronado Island in San […]

2023 February: Cold Rain and a Prison Break What Could Be Worse?

2023 February: Cold Rain and a Prison Break What Could Be Worse?

  Before I explain what happened this month, I’d like to share the recipes my friend and I prepared for New Year’s Eve. The event was a great success, and the appetizers were out of this world. The dishes seemed to fall together nicely with […]

2023 January: Journey to the Center of the Earth

2023 January: Journey to the Center of the Earth

  Traveling this time of the year has been interesting, to say the least. We stayed close to home due to the snow, rain, and medical reasons. But we certainly were busy entertaining friends, baking gluten-free treats, and exploring our neighborhood. One episode we encountered […]

2022 December: Are you chasing your tail yet?

2022 December: Are you chasing your tail yet?

  Why is it that the older I get, the faster time slips away? I thought I had time to get my act together for the holiday season, but mercy me, the company begins to roll in one week, and I’m excited but not prepared […]

2022 November: And So It Is As They Say…

2022 November: And So It Is As They Say…

  It’s not if you will get it; it’s when! Yes, we got the dreaded virus that has pledged this earth for the last two-plus years. We thought we had dodged the big one, yet here we are. Symptoms have been mild, and we are […]

2022 October: Back Without A Scratch…Maybe?

2022 October: Back Without A Scratch…Maybe?

  The last four weeks of our trip were wonderful and filled with a peaceful drive along the beautiful forest-lined Saar River that led to the Saar Canal. Here is a map of our travels this year. Follow the pink marker to read along. The yellow […]

2022 September: Stranded On The Rhein!

2022 September: Stranded On The Rhein!

  Life is always exciting when you travel by boat. Just when you think you have it all together, nature decides otherwise! We had just replaced all our batteries, as I shared last month, and now our well-planned trip down the Rhein had its problems. […]

2022 August: “Dead In The Water” literally!

2022 August: “Dead In The Water” literally!

  Last month was terrific. Spending time with my kids and grandkids for ten days went so fast. This month was rather exciting but not without difficulties. I’ll get straight to the point. I’ve heard the expression “dead in the water” but always associated it […]

2022 July: It Was Over in a Flash!

2022 July: It Was Over in a Flash!

  Albert Einstein said, Logic can take you from point A to B, but imagination can take you anywhere. It’s been more than eight years since my two children visited us in Germany. My daughter, Jericho, and her husband, Albert, visited us eight years ago […]

2022 June: Hot Spots Off The Beaten Path!

2022 June: Hot Spots Off The Beaten Path!

  This post is about our travels on and off the boat. Usually, we pack it up and hit the canals for three to four months this time of year, but with so many activities in Wolfach, we’ve ventured out by car to some new […]

2022 May: We’re Pulling Up Anchor

2022 May: We’re Pulling Up Anchor

  We’re getting all our ducks in a row and ready to batten down the home hatches. However, it’s still raining off and on. Earlier this last month, it was even snowing. We’ve made a lot of progress with our preparations for the family to […]

2022 April: It Was All To Good To Be True!

2022 April: It Was All To Good To Be True!

  This German winter weather has got to change. I’m a California girl, and my body needs the sun’s warmth. Last month, the cold, rainy, windy, cloudy weather was enough to keep anyone locked in their home. Almost everyone, Germans love the change of temperature […]

2022 March: Shortest Month, Shortest Trip, Longest Walk!

2022 March: Shortest Month, Shortest Trip, Longest Walk!

This month has not just been the shortest month of the year but the slowest as well.   The weather has prevented us from traveling outside except to and fro to Ikea and local stores to find the perfect sofa! I love this green with […]

2022 February: Just made it by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins!

2022 February: Just made it by the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins!

We made it out of Dodge! Last month I left you hanging and wondering if after being exposed to the virus we’d make it out of San Diego.  If you recall we all made it a family event to be tested. The day before we […]

2022 January: I hate to say I told you so!

2022 January: I hate to say I told you so!

  So last month I said, “make plans but be prepared to change them”! The phrase “I told you so” comes to mind. Our original plans of a night in Las Vegas for a birthday show for our granddaughter, Ruby, a two-night stint in Bryce Canyon, […]

2021 December: The Best Laid-Plans Can Make You Crazy!

2021 December: The Best Laid-Plans Can Make You Crazy!

  If I’ve learned anything these past couple of years dealing with Covid challenges, it’s: don’t make plans you can’t change! When my plans do come together, I’m thankful, but when they don’t, I’m like General E Lee said, “surprised, but not taken by surprise.” […]

2021 November: Oh Happy Day!

2021 November: Oh Happy Day!

  Yes, this was one fantastic month. Lutz finally got his B2 visa to stay in the USA for six months. Yeehaw! The universe has a way of working things out when you get out of the way—a great lesson for someone who likes to […]

2021 October: My Mama Said There’d Be Days Like this!

2021 October: My Mama Said There’d Be Days Like this!

  My mama said! I find myself using a new mantra lately. It’s one of my mom’s most recent statements to deal with all the @#$% that has dropped on our family in the last four months, “Put on your big girl/boy panties and deal […]

2021 September: USA Travel Saga Continues

2021 September: USA Travel Saga Continues

  The USA Saga continues. Our original plans went like this: After two years of the Virus, waiting for the shot, and airport restrictions lifted, we set out to fly to the USA. We planned to fly into San Diego, hit the road with Johnny […]

2021 August: Never Have I Ever…

2021 August: Never Have I Ever…

  …Had so much trouble getting back to the USA. SERIOUSLY! Ok, sad story short. Since we did not go to the USA for over 365 days, the Embassy took Lutz’s green card away! Hmmm…due to the virus, several airport protocols, the fact that WOW […]

2021 July: As Promised…

2021 July: As Promised…

  Ok, so we’re literally in! I’ll take you on a little tour, but first, I want to thank you all for the great comments and encouragement. We started this project almost five years ago. Lutz’s mother left the house and property to both Lutz […]

2021 June: Last Month Is Not What I Had Planned…

2021 June: Last Month Is Not What I Had Planned…

  Continued delays and bad weather haven’t made this move any easier. Finally, all our things arrived on May 11th in the rain.  Still no kitchen completion insight.  Or tiles on the patio…but we have our Pergola frame! Oh, and the Jacuzzi has been delayed […]

2021 May: The Suspense is Unbearable!

2021 May: The Suspense is Unbearable!

I was so looking forward to sending out this month’s newsletter with an array of home completion photos. But you’re going to have to settle with some photos of us constructing final projects! Use your vivid imagination this month, and be prepared to be stunned […]

2021 April: It’s Time for New Adventures, New Places and New Faces!

2021 April: It’s Time for New Adventures, New Places and New Faces!

  Wooo, what a ride the last few weeks have been. I’m still spinning. Sold our home in Kaiserslautern, packed our belongings, and put them in storage. And we are off to the Black Forest for new adventures, new places, and new faces! So strange […]

2021 March: Look What Spring has Sprung This Month!

2021 March: Look What Spring has Sprung This Month!

  Finally! Spring is on its way, and I’m springing into action! This last month has been the longest month of the year, and it was February, the shortest month of the year. Crazy, right? The weather has so much influence over our feelings, energy, […]

2021 February: Sweet’n Your Month in More Ways Than Cook’n…

2021 February: Sweet’n Your Month in More Ways Than Cook’n…

  In Germany, we are still in a “hard”  lockdown until the middle of February. Pretty sour, right! To sweeten up our lives this month, we’ve traveled to nearby locations for walks in the snow (still). At least the snow has provided a change of […]

2021 January: Welcome to a New & Exciting 2021

2021 January: Welcome to a New & Exciting 2021

  I know I’m early this month; usually, it arrives in the middle of each month.  But this month, I wanted to be one of the first to wish you a Happy New Year! Well, ok, maybe not the first, but since I’ve got so […]

2020 December: Our Holiday Gift to You!

2020 December: Our Holiday Gift to You!

Do I have a brilliant gift for you! This year has been quite different from my norm, to say the least. Some days were good in many ways, and some not so good. I wanted to celebrate this winter holiday in a new way and […]

2020 November: Hitting the Trails & Thanksgiving in Germany?

2020 November: Hitting the Trails & Thanksgiving in Germany?

  We’ve been back in our home in Kaiserslautern since September. The virus has put a hold on our travels, so we’ve been taking advantage of the sunny days this year and hitting the trails for some interesting hikes and fresh air. Hiking and walking […]

2020 October: Feeling Trapped? Need a Key to Escape?

2020 October: Feeling Trapped? Need a Key to Escape?

Well, the dream is over…and; this is really happening. Yes, the Virus is still with us, No you can’t travel, No, you can’t entertain, No, you can’t hug dear friends you see on Facetime or Zoom that you miss dearly. How to escape this long […]

2020 September: We Finally Put The Virus to Rest!

2020 September: We Finally Put The Virus to Rest!

  Last we talked we had hooked up with colleagues and new friends in Saarbrüken. The next day we left Saarbrücken and spent a beautiful HOT day traveling 5 hours to the small port of Sarreguemines. The view was so beautiful and really a peaceful […]

2020 August: Half Way There… Maybe babe!

2020 August: Half Way There… Maybe babe!

  Sorry for the delay in receiving this month’s newsletter! Wifi and internet connection has not been the best! But I am still here and still cruising. I left you all in Toul and this month we made our way slowly toward Nancy. What a […]

2020 July: There’s Light At The End Of Our Tunnel!

2020 July: There’s Light At The End Of Our Tunnel!

  After several months planning and wondering if we’d ever get to Virus our boat, the harbor finally opened for boaters on June 6, 2020! Packed to the brim we set out! Upon arrival in Ophoven, Belgium I was asked to do a cooking lesson […]

2020 June: Virus We’re Coming…the Borders are Open!

2020 June: Virus We’re Coming…the Borders are Open!

  I sure hope you all are healthy and well. It’s been one rocky ride on this planet the last few months and looks like some changes are coming for us all. Interesting title this month, right? I know many of you are unaware that Virus […]

2020 May: “Stir Crazy” Seeks Room with a View!

2020 May: “Stir Crazy” Seeks Room with a View!

  Woo, this is starting to get to me. Truly, staying home is not all it’s cracked up to be. I’m being forced to do things I don’t like to do like cleaning and going through 20 years of JUNK. Lutz is on it. He […]

2020 April: 4 Weeks of Quarantine & Still Grateful!

2020 April: 4 Weeks of Quarantine & Still Grateful!

  We started our quarantine a week early as a result of several articles I had been reading regarding this crazy Virus and how it can seriously affect those with autoimmune challenges. So, here we are after four weeks and I have to say I’ve […]

2020 March: Traveling to the Store & Pack’n it in!

2020 March: Traveling to the Store & Pack’n it in!

  Ok, this will be short and direct. I know that many of you are heading out to the store to pick up some household staples and supplies for cooking. We just did the same thing this weekend and packed (not over-stocked) ourselves in for […]

2020 February: Trip to a Valentine Cook’n Class with the Coach!

2020 February: Trip to a Valentine Cook’n Class with the Coach!

This February was so fun for me. It was rejuvenating to be back with friends and cook’n! I was honored to be asked to host a Valentine Cooking Class in a private home. How refreshing to connect with like-minded folks searching for healthy alternatives for […]

2019 September-2020 January: The Silent Months!

2019 September-2020 January: The Silent Months!

Welcome back, everyone! Thank you for sticking around during my silent months while I had my site rebuilt and a new logo unveiled. I hope you find it more alive, inviting, colorful, and easier to search for your favorite recipes, resources, and our travel posts. […]

2019 August: Let the Sun Shine, the Sun Shine In!

2019 August: Let the Sun Shine, the Sun Shine In!

I’ve decided to title each new post with a song so it will be in your head all day long! Every time you sing you’ll remember ME, The Cookn Coach! So let the music begin. What weather whirlwind we’ve been having. It’s either rain, thunderstorms […]

2019 July: Now We’re Cook’n!

2019 July: Now We’re Cook’n!

  Yes, the sun is out, the rain is gone, and we’re moving on! We’ve visited some of the coolest towns in the Netherlands. Just to catch up, Last month we landed in Hattem and welcomed our friend Mike aboard! The next morning we headed to Kampen […]

2019 June: Grey Skies Ahead!

2019 June: Grey Skies Ahead!

  What a month! Rain, Rain, Rain…and thunder! Now, nothing but grey skies coming my way. We’re making our way to Friesland via the historic water trade route. So much history and quaint old villages. I highly recommend that if you’re looking for an excursion […]

2019 May: Waiting for the sun!

2019 May: Waiting for the sun!

Ok, this is not how it’s supposed to be. Rain, Rain, Rain, and then snow in APRIL! We’ve returned from our wonderful trip to Vienna and Italy. I had a quick pit stop in our home in Kaiserslautern and then off to the boat for […]

2019 April: Street Eats with The Cook’n Coach

2019 April: Street Eats with The Cook’n Coach

  We’re back from our April travels! What an amazing adventure exploring and sampling savory and sweet “street eats”. Just to let you know, I worked my magic to stay gluten, soy, and dairy-free but sometimes things just happen. I was pleasantly surprised to find […]

2019 March: The Cook’n Coach Hits the Streets for Some Good Eats!

2019 March: The Cook’n Coach Hits the Streets for Some Good Eats!

  OK, well I haven’t quite stopped cooking altogether it’s just that I’m back and we’ve been on the go ever since we’ve returned from the USA. April we’re taking off for a month-long road trip. How to eat “sweet” (clean, not sugar) on the […]

2019 February: Cook’n and Camp’n Borrego California

2019 February: Cook’n and Camp’n Borrego California

Things are blooming here! Still hanging out with Johnny and Cash. For those of you new to this site, Johnny is our dependable Chevy Truck and Cash is our RV, well need I say more…CASH! We’ve made it through the holidays and as soon as […]

2019 January: Cook’n and Camp’n on Kauai and More

2019 January: Cook’n and Camp’n on Kauai and More

  Ok, I know the “New Year” has already begun but my goal is to improve my memory all year and being more focused by doing unforgettable things. What do you think of that! I’ll start it off by cooking unforgettable meals that will be […]

2018 November: Cook’n & Camp’n in the USA

2018 November: Cook’n & Camp’n in the USA

  Back in the USA! I think I’m getting too old for all this moving about! The thing that keeps me going is my grandkids and spending time with them. This year I missed Eva’s birthday but I brought her gift with me from one […]

2018 October: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of Maastricht

2018 October: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of Maastricht

This summer went so dang fast! Seriously… it’s hard to believe we’ve been on the boat for almost four months. At the beginning of September, we ended up leaving Virus in one of our favorite places, Maastricht NL. This is the coolest little harbor and gave […]

2018 September: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of France

2018 September: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of France

  Last month’s report I sandwiched in Ghent and Brugge with visits from family and friends. These last few weeks we’ve left Belgium and started toward our main destination, Dunkirk, France. Leaving Belgium and entering the canals of France was greeted with massive green algae […]

2018 August: Cook’n & Crusin’n The Canals of Belgium!

2018 August: Cook’n & Crusin’n The Canals of Belgium!

  Well, folks, I’m back in wifi and thought I’d get August post ready to roll. We said farewell to Terri and began our 2-day trip to Ghent. We took a 2-hour ride through a small canal that basically drove through the backyards of some […]

2018 July: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of Belgium With Friends

2018 July: Cook’n & Cruise’n the Canals of Belgium With Friends

  What a great month of traveling.  This month we had another guest along for a ride through Tournai, Belgium. Terri hopped on board and spent four super days exploring the area. Together we cooked (cassava flour Flammkuchen)… Toured (Tournai Castle)… Almost bought a timeshare […]

2018 June: Cook’n and Cruise’n the Canals of Belgium With Uli

2018 June: Cook’n and Cruise’n the Canals of Belgium With Uli

  What a great start to another adventure on the canals of Europe. We began our tour in the middle of May 2018 and cruised from Maastricht NL to Liege B, Huy B, Namur B, and now we are in Sennefe B.  Once again I’m […]

2018 May: Back from the other side of the pond!

2018 May: Back from the other side of the pond!

  What a super seven months in the USA. I got my fill (Lutz’s as well) of family, grandchildren, friends, and camping. Just when I thought I had enough, the minute I landed on this side of the pond I missed them all and our […]

2017 September 03: My Babe and Me

2017 September 03: My Babe and Me

Our last guest left and we took some time to tour Haarlem alone and enjoy the sun and especially the museums. The Teyler Museum, the first and oldest museum in Holland was packed with amazing finds. From prehistoric bones to amazing paintings from several Hollanders. […]

2017 September 02:The Whole Yam-Dam-Fam!

2017 September 02:The Whole Yam-Dam-Fam!

  What a great trip these last few months. The weather was cooperative and the cook’n was fine. It was so great to spend 2 weeks on the boat with my sister, Melissa, her husband, Steve and my SUPERMOM 87 year old Peggy! Here is […]

2017 August: From Gouda to Leiden

2017 August: From Gouda to Leiden

  We’re slowing down and heading home for a few weeks to be closer to Lutz’s 96-year-old mother. So, I’m only posting one chapter this month. But still filled with some of my tasty desserts! The cool thing about these two recipes is that I […]

2017 July 14: Ophoven to Gouda

2017 July 14: Ophoven to Gouda

We are off again and still married after all the company and trials! It’s been fun to visit so many places and still eat gluten, soy, and dairy-free! But I have to say…Gouda is Cheese country, and my taste in cheese. So, I sought a […]

2017 July 14: Alone Again, Naturally

2017 July 14: Alone Again, Naturally

Still cruise’n and cook’n on the canals. This is part 3 of our trip through Belgium alone. As usual we spent our days grilling in the sun and enjoying the great scenery and people of this land. Check out these cool grill packet recipes I’ve […]

2017 June 22: Alone again, naturally

2017 June 22: Alone again, naturally

  Alone again, naturally and naturally. This time out, we planned a four-week trip around Belgium, so this is part one for your viewing pleasure. We spent some time in “nature, naturally” and rough it…well, almost, except for my gourmet cooking in the wild! My […]

2017 June 01: Spring and Nature

2017 June 01: Spring and Nature

The weather is finally picking up! Here is my best translation or close to… When you were a child, your mother taught you to stop at red and go to green. It’s the same for boating, and we are happy that the nautical world and […]

2017 May 30: Boys and Girls Day

2017 May 30: Boys and Girls Day

We loved Maastricht so much we decided to plan a boys’ and girls’ weekend! My best translation or close to… My GOD, how beautiful it is here in Maastricht. This is why Melinda and Terri chose to spend a long, sunny weekend here. It is […]

2017 May 07: Edeka! Everything you need in one super place!

2017 May 07: Edeka! Everything you need in one super place!

  The Edeka display was a huge success and there wasn’t a drop left by 1:45 pm that afternoon. Check out what was up for tasting! Cassava Blueberry Pancakes      Chopped Asian Salad   Homemade Grain-Free Cassava Century Bread topped off with your choice of […]

2017 May 5: Look out Edeka…I’m Ready!

2017 May 5: Look out Edeka…I’m Ready!

  Drop by and say HI! Ok, ok, ok, ok…I promised only to send you a newsletter once a month, but this month has been filled with great surprises and events that I just had to send you a quickie! Check this out…I will do […]

2017 May 01: Baked Bread on a Boat…IMPOSSIBLE?

2017 May 01: Baked Bread on a Boat…IMPOSSIBLE?

  No, it is POSSIBLE. You have to use your creativity and imagination AND a little help from GFJules!  I thought cooking bread on a boat or in an RV was impossible. Really I have to admit I failed handmade bread making 101. I could […]

2017 May 01: Just the Two of Us

2017 May 01: Just the Two of Us

It’s time for Lutz and me to check out our motoring skills and also the depth of our love and respect for each other. I always said if you really want to see if you’re compatible with a mate, live in an RV or boat […]

2017 April 22: Our First Guest On Board

2017 April 22: Our First Guest On Board

  Our first guest arrived! My first and closest friend in Germany, Marilou, and her daughter Aliyah came and spent four wonderful days with us, celebrating my birthday in the sun. Of course, we grilled our brains out and took advantage of each sunny day. […]

2017 April 01: Time to Get Our Feet Wet

2017 April 01: Time to Get Our Feet Wet

Raise the anchor and let’s go for a spin! Mercy me, this is more than I expected. I had to read the water levels so we wouldn’t break off the antenna. Yes, we have to lower it for some of the bridges we encounter. I also […]

2017 March: Training & Repair Days on Virus

2017 March: Training & Repair Days on Virus

  This was our training and repair trip. YIKES… I thought retirement was for lounging, cooking, and cruising. Andreas and Lutz are both a little, well, anal obsessive-compulsive… but perfectionists sound better. They are both engineers, and my style of sanding and painting just didn’t […]

2017 March 19: Cook’n & Cruising the Canals

2017 March 19: Cook’n & Cruising the Canals

  It’s time to hit the high seas, ok, well, the high canals! Raise the anchor and get ready to do some Cook’n & Cruis’n. We’ve made several trips to pack our boat, Virus. As you can see, our small 500 FIAT, Bella, was loaded to […]

2016 December: Wishing you a VERY Merry Christmas!

2016 December: Wishing you a VERY Merry Christmas!

I know you’re all busy with family and friends today, but I just wanted to send a “thank you” for supporting me in my cooking endeavors. It’s been a privilege to cook along side many of you during our classes at the Wallonenhoff, or in your […]

2016 December 20: Time to head home…

2016 December 20: Time to head home…

Lutz had to get one last hike in before leaving Borrego Springs. He said the hike was rough, but the springs were similar to the springs in Joshua Tree. It sure looks beautiful. As I said in another post, the vegetation in the desert can […]

2016 December 20: Off to Borrego Springs

2016 December 20: Off to Borrego Springs

  After 5 days in Joshua Tree, we headed to Borrego Spring for Thanksgiving, a family tradition I finally participated in! We filled half of the Palm Dessert Campground with friends and family. Once again, I got to visit with my granddaughters. Of course, we […]

2016 December 20: Moving South…Joshua Tree! Week 16

2016 December 20: Moving South…Joshua Tree! Week 16

Our journey south to warmer weather took us through the city of Bakersfield, and how can you go through Bakersfield without visiting Buck Owens’ Crystal Palace to listen to the Buck-A-Roos? We toured a cool museum of original farm houses and even saw Merle Haggard’s childhood home. […]

2016 November 26: Moss Landing

2016 November 26: Moss Landing

Moss Landing was the light at the end of the tunnel! Moving from the rain to the sea and spending time with Jennifer and her wonderful husband, Steve, was so refreshing and relaxing, even with all the rowing. The kayak trip down the inlet was great exercise. […]

2016 November 26: Exploring Santa Cruz to Carmel

2016 November 26: Exploring Santa Cruz to Carmel

We headed to Moss Landing for a week to tour old hang-outs and spend some time with Jennifer, my BESTEST friend since 7th grade and her husband Steve. We arrived early and so we set out to explore from Santa Cruz to Carmel Valley. Watching the […]

2016 November 26: Out of the Rain and into the Wind

2016 November 26: Out of the Rain and into the Wind

Our stay in Bend & Sisters was wonderful! We definitely feel this could be our USA home…one day. But it was time to head to California. We stopped several times in Oregon along 101 to check out the rough sea tossed about by the strong winds. We […]

2016 November 06: Heading South to Bend

2016 November 06: Heading South to Bend

Meeting up with my childhood friend was so fun! It was like we had never been apart. Stephanie and her husband Brad were super hosts. They took us to the top of a hill that overlooked Bend and the surrounding mountains, then off to a […]

2016 November 06: Port Townsend

2016 November 06: Port Townsend

While Lutz was away, Jarrod repaired the truck! He is a man with many talents. Plus, it is still running. After Lutz returned from Florida, we headed north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca at the top of Washington. We stayed in Port Townsend […]

2016 November 06: Fall Is In The Air Week 10

2016 November 06: Fall Is In The Air Week 10

We made it to Olympia Washington in 3 days! Made a quick visit with my son and then Lutz took off to warm Florida for a family gathering while Jarrod and I wrote, cooked and slept through the week of rain! Poor Lutz…having to deal […]

2016 October 13: Sea Side Fun.

2016 October 13: Sea Side Fun.

Off to the sea in Malibu for the wedding of my niece, Hanna. We will also visit with family we haven’t see in ages. The skies were blue and the sun was hot. What a way to celebrate, and a taco truck to boot! It’s […]

2016 October 13: It Never Rains in Sunny California…Week 8

2016 October 13: It Never Rains in Sunny California…Week 8

Serious water problems in California. Dry, dry and dry! The golf course was as dry as the Sahara. At Lake Lopez grass was growing around the boat docks and the boats were sitting abandoned in mud a block above the shore line. Fires raged all around […]

2016 October 10: From the Rocks to the Sea We Go!

2016 October 10: From the Rocks to the Sea We Go!

After 4 days in the Soledad Mountains we shot our last photo of Vasquez Rock, a hot spot for filming the Lone Ranger! We  headed back to the coast, then north to San Luis Obispo to spend some time with my mom and Jack. My mom had dinner […]

2016 October 04: Inland we go!

2016 October 04: Inland we go!

Check those rims! Yes, Lutz ran out of things to fix after the remodel and shined them up! Now we sparkle when we are cruising. Check out the remodel! As I said, so much more room. The sofa is amazing and makes into a double bed, plus […]

2016 September 21: Heading North to…

2016 September 21: Heading North to…

Our four weeks in San Diego ended with a remodel of our 5th wheel, Cash…we took the beautiful long, white dried plastic sofa out and went Ikea!!! You’ll see the updates next week, but let’s just say the remodel makes a HUGE difference and provides […]

2016 September 20: The HEAT goes on!

2016 September 20: The HEAT goes on!

Our time in San Diego was great. Ruby learned to swim and Eva, in the picture below, is on her way. Visiting old friends like Sara and Annie was so fun and memorable. Exercise continued daily with our own private pool. For some reason the […]

2016 September 19: Still enjoying the good life

2016 September 19: Still enjoying the good life

Traveling seems to suit me, and I’m really enjoying the extra time to see the world now with retirement. Spent a morning at the doctors getting my knee checked out and decided that knee replacement will have to wait!!! Although foggy in the AM, California never […]

2016 September 19: The Travels Continue

2016 September 19: The Travels Continue

Swimming lessons with Ruby were VERY successful and now she is a Diving Dolphin! Next year, Eva. Cook’n & Camp’n continues and recipes will definitely be coming along. What an adventure! Visiting family and friends has been wonderful. Jericho and family made it to Admiral […]

2016 August 11: We made it!

2016 August 11: We made it!

2016 West Coast USA After 25 hours from door to door we finally arrived in USA and are camping at Admiral Baker Campground, just 10 minutes away from the grandkids. Our first event was to SeaWorld and Grandma is happy! Lutz is finding all kinds […]

2016 May 24: Powerful Breakfast Cook’n Class

2016 May 24: Powerful Breakfast Cook’n Class

  What an amazing morning this last Saturday. I learned so much and made some great new friends! No better way to spend the day than cook’n with a crew of talented, kind, and energetic people. We kicked off the morning with homemade Creamy Dairy-Free […]

2016 May 01: CooK’n Cozy with Anita and family!

2016 May 01: CooK’n Cozy with Anita and family!

What a great experience yesterday! I so enjoy going into homes and meeting families that want to add nutritious eating habits to their lives. I was so excited to get there that I packed everything but the RECIPES! In spite of this little oversight we CREATED […]

2016 April 26: CooK’n at the Wallonenhof Plan!

2016 April 26: CooK’n at the Wallonenhof Plan!

Our next CooK’n event is just around the corner! On May 21st, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Wallonenhof Restaurant we will be CooK’n Breakfast! The most powerful meal of the day! Plan on spending the morning cooking a savory Saturday Morning Brunch. Mark your […]

2016 April 18: Pizza Hunting 2

2016 April 18: Pizza Hunting 2

Well our trip is coming to a close. My search for the perfect pizza crust has been more then successful. I am excited to get home and begin experimenting with all my new secrets. One thing I have learned about eating gluten, dairy and soy free […]

2016 April 10: Pizza Hunting, Again?

2016 April 10: Pizza Hunting, Again?

Well, as many of you know, living the gluten/dairy/soy-free lifestyle has been pretty easy for me. I’ve been able to recreate everything I miss except one thing… Pizza crust! Yes. I am fine with my Basic Bold Tomato Sauce, nut cheese and my Bella Italian […]

2016 March 20: Cooking Class: Excursion To Gluten, Soy & Dairy Free India

2016 March 20: Cooking Class: Excursion To Gluten, Soy & Dairy Free India

What an exciting cooking event this weekend. We had eleven hungry, talented, eager travelers ready to experience the smells and tastes of India. Yes, I hear your first thoughts: “How in the world can they make these choice dishes without cream, or naan without gluten?” Well, […]

2016 January 18: A Trip to the Market

2016 January 18: A Trip to the Market

  One of the GREATEST opportunities available in Germany to healthy food lovers is the wonderful markets and wide selections of fresh produce. This week my trip to the market proved to be a huge success! The season is right for storing up massive amounts […]

2016 January: Happy New Year!

2016 January: Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year! I have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to this coming year. Like many of you, I have a bucket list that I keep revising each year, but one wish has always remained and has finally come […]

2015 December 06: The CooK’n Coach Kick Off Class!

2015 December 06: The CooK’n Coach Kick Off Class!

There’s no better way to spend a Saturday than Cook’n with friends who are excited about improving their health! On November 20th, fifteen eager cooks, hungry for knowledge and good food came together to test the waters. The Cook’n Coach’s first dairy, gluten, and soy-free […]

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