Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

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Cast Iron Grilled Saucy Shrimp

Cast Iron Grilled Saucy Shrimp

  With the hot weather, I made this dish outside on the grill in my new cast iron pans. You can also make the same delicious dish in a large cast iron pan on the grill or in your oven. The flavors are out of […]

2024 September: Driving with the Big Boys

2024 September: Driving with the Big Boys

  What a trip, seriously! We started from our harbor in Kehl on June 15th, and in 70 days, we stayed in 38 different harbors. I drove through 312 locks while Lutz went up and down the steps to manage the ropes. I did have […]

The Complete Blood Testing You Need!

The Complete Blood Testing You Need!

  I have so many friends that tell me I trust the Doctor and the test he requests, but I still feel crapy. Let’s think about this. You arrive fifteen minutes early to your appointment, fill in some papers, see your Doctor for maybe fifteen […]

2024 August: Something I will never do again

2024 August: Something I will never do again

  At least, I hope not… Let’s catch you up to date first before I explain. In the last post, we were in Niederviller, where we had a small repair done and had one last dinner at our favorite French restaurant, Auberge du Tannenheim. And […]

Herb Chickpea Rolls

Herb Chickpea Rolls

  This was a Godsend. Cooking bread on my boat is not impossible since I’ve done it often, but this recipe beats them all when traveling or hanging out in an Airbnb for a holiday. They will be my go-to when I am home as […]

Stovetop Cream Caramel Custard

Stovetop Cream Caramel Custard

  Traveling on a boat for three months does not always ensure we have electricity. I have a gas stove and have to get creative when cooking. I’ve discovered the easiest luscious dessert that takes ten minutes to prepare and forty minutes to cook unattended […]

My All Time Favorite Recipes

Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

Lemon & Pecorino Chicken Meatballs

  So, so good! This lemon meatball dish is quick and easy. Make the meatballs the day before as I did and put them in the fridge. The next day, I took them out to get to room temperature while I made the sauce. Fifteen […]

Spicy Cilantro Pecan Pesto

Spicy Cilantro Pecan Pesto

  Easy right? Ok, so I had a large batch of rooted cilantro from my Asian store and it was wilting fast…what to do? Make a pesto. So, I wanted it to be unique and decided to use roasted pecans I’d been saving for a […]

Asian Spiced Veggie Broil

Asian Spiced Veggie Broil

  Ok no brainer…really. Just grab your favorite veggies from the fridge and add this out of the world sauce and your mouth will have a celebration! I can throw them in my little baking oven on the boat and my confectioner oven in the […]

Sambal Oelek Asian Soup

Sambal Oelek Asian Soup

  We’d just grilled a large pork loin with sauteed mushrooms, grilled potatoes, and a lovely salad. Two-thirds of this delicious piece of meat was leftover. I slid it into the fridge and figured we’d slice it up with our morning eggs. However…my mind started […]

Raspberry Medieval Compote

Raspberry Medieval Compote

  What do you do with 20 trays of raspberries for 5 euro? Well, first, you give a few away on the way home from the market and then use them quickly! Second, you come up with some ingenious ways to consume them! This recipe […]

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