Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

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The Vegan World

The Vegan World

This is an interesting community, and I have all the respect in the world for their mission and way of life. It’s refreshing and definitely takes a serious approach to clean eating, avoiding harmful elements, and helping the environment. I’ve discovered a few sites that […]

Vegetarian Diet for Newcomers

Vegetarian Diet for Newcomers

  This month I’m sharing some information about the Vegetarian protocol. It’s becoming more popular with the onset of news regarding the dangers of antibiotics and meat. This way of life might be an alternative for some of you looking to slowly move away from […]

Greek Breakfast Eggs

Greek Breakfast Eggs

  Ok, this week’s cheese allotment went to a Greek Breakfast Egg, but you can also use dairy-free cheese. I’ve made both. It isn’t easy to find dairy-free cheese in Germany, so when I see it, I buy it, but this week, I couldn’t find […]

German Rotkohl

German Rotkohl

  I love both red and white German sauerkraut. The white sauerkraut is so delicious compared to the American brand. It’s much milder and seasoned with various spices. At the market on Saturday, you can pick up a container from different vendors, and it’s usually […]

German Rouladen

German Rouladen

  Amazingly simple and delicious. Seriously good stuff! When I was introduced to this delightful traditional meat dish, I had to question the ingredients, but my doubts were dismissed after one taste. It is a burst of tender meat filled with smokey bacon, spicy mustard, […]

Creamy Dairy-free Fish Soup

Creamy Dairy-free Fish Soup

  A winner! Easy, fast, and amazingly delicious. This is such a great appetizer, or double your bowl and have it as the main course. It’s so natural for us to grill up fish two to three times a week in the summer, but I […]

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