Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

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Sweet Netflix Movies

Sweet Netflix Movies

  One way I get my body up and out of the reading chair is to watch a movie. It keeps me on my eclipse for an hour, and then the next day, I can’t wait to get back on and finish the last half. […]

Sweet Reads

Sweet Reads

Sweet Books Reads: There’s nothing like a good read to lift the lockdown feeling! I usually have several books going at the same time. Don’t ask…it depends on my mood! I love historical novels, cultural, political, and controversial books, comedy, mysteries, and adventure thrillers. Here […]

Crunchy Seed Chips

Crunchy Seed Chips

This is a wonderful accident that was waiting to happen. I love making my own Chili Pepper Crackers and serving them with my Herb Hummus recipe or other dips. I usually take the crackers out of the oven early and break them into large chunks […]

Coconut Curry Lime Chicken (Soup)

Coconut Curry Lime Chicken (Soup)

  I cook Asian food every week, and my taster, Lutz, said this one is the best we’ve ever had…so here goes! I must admit it was amazing and had a robust flavor and a surprise kick. You can use chicken or go vegan and […]

2021 January: Welcome to a New & Exciting 2021

2021 January: Welcome to a New & Exciting 2021

  I know I’m early this month; usually, it arrives in the middle of each month.  But this month, I wanted to be one of the first to wish you a Happy New Year! Well, ok, maybe not the first, but since I’ve got so […]

German Lebkuchen

German Lebkuchen

  Ok, I’m on a German baking roll. As you can tell in my most recent post, I’ve celebrated Christmas in San Diego for the past six years. This Christmas season, we’re celebrating in Germany. I’m struggling between traditional German holiday meals or traditional Mexican, […]

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