Ok, this is for all you folks that have to stay away from grains… I think I’m a convert… This recipe is fantastic. It’s sweet, warm, and toasty. I also have another recipe, Granny’s Granola you might want to try. It has a different topping/sauce that can easily be used for this great Great Grain Free Granola or vise-verse. Explore and create!
May 24, 2016
: 1 large canister
: 15 min
: 30 min
: 45 min

- 3 cups natural flaked coconut raw with no sugar
- 3/4 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/2 cup black & white sesame seeds
- 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds
- 1/8 cup chia seeds
- 1/4 cup flax seeds
- 1/4 cup hemp seeds optional
- 1 1/2 cup skinned raw almonds optional
- 1/2 cup organic honey
- 3 tbsp oil melted, coconut, ghee or light olive oil
- 2 tsp homemade vanilla
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp chai spice
- 1/2 tsp cardomom
- 1 tsp Himalayan salt optional
- Step 1 Heat oven to 300 degrees. Prepare a cookie sheet with baking paper.
- Step 2 Place the honey, oil, vanilla, spices, and salt in a saucepan. Heat on medium-low while you mix the rest of the ingredients.
- Step 3 Place all the seeds and nuts, if using, into a large bowl. Mix with a spoon so all the ingredients are well blended.
- Step 4 Pour the warm honey mixture over the grains and mix well. It will be really sticky!
- Step 5 Spread the granola on the paper-lined baking sheet.
- Step 6 Place in the oven for 30 – 45 minutes, stirring halfway along. It’s done when the top is toasty and slightly brown.
- Step 7 Yes, it will still be sticky and wet. Don’t panic. Take it out and set it on the counter while you make my Granny’s Granola. Check it out.
- Step 8 Place the dried Grain Free Granola into a storage jar after an hour. It kept for me up to 3 weeks!