Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

Yogurt Pear Cake & Custard Sauce

Yogurt Pear Cake & Custard Sauce


This will be one of the easy but elegant desserts for my guest this December. I serve it warm with a bite of this creamy custard sauce. You can dish it up warm from the oven and add a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped coconut cream. The process is simple, and dairy-free yogurt makes this cake moist and yummy.


Yogurt Pear Cake

November 30, 2022
: 6
: 20 min
: Easy


  • Dry Ingredients:
  • 3/4 c cassava flour
  • 3/4 c almond flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
  • Dash Cinnamon
  • 2 pears sliced
  • Wet ingredients:
  • 2/3 Cup yogurt
  • 1/2 Cup lite oil
  • 1/3 Cup monk fruit sugar
  • 1/4 c Maple syrup
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • Creamy Custard:
  • 1 cup coconut cream milk (not coconut milk)
  • 1 vanilla bean split open
  • 4 egg yokes
  • 4 Tbsp Monkfruit, birch tree, or regular sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla or rum flavoring
  • Step 1 Cake:
  • Step 2 Heat oven to 380F/180C. Grease an 8×10 casserole dish with butter or ghee.
  • Step 3 Mix all the dry ingredients, EXCEPT the pears, in a medium bowl with a whisk. Set aside.
  • Step 4 In the bowl of your standing mixer or using a hand mixer and medium bowl, beat together the wet ingredients for 3 to 4 minutes to ensure the sugar is dissolved.
  • Step 5 Slowly sprinkle the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Scrape the sides of the bowl often.
  • Step 6 Pour the batter into your prepared cooking dish. Peel, Cored, and slice the pears. Place the pear pieces decoratively over the top of the batter and slightly press them into the batter. Cook for 45-50 minutes. Check by inserting a toothpick into the middle of the cake, and if it comes out clean, remove it from the oven. If there is still batter on the toothpick, continue cooking and check again in 5 minutes.
  • Step 7 Place on a rack to cool a bit before slicing. You can also reheat it later. Serve with Creamy Custard sauce or whipped cream or ice cream.
  • Step 8 Creamy Custard:
  • Step 9 Slice the vanilla bean lengthwise and place it in a medium saucepan with the coconut cream milk. Cook on medium heat, and whisk until it just starts to boil. Remove the pan from the stove. Let it sit while you beat the eggs and sugar.
  • Step 10 Beat the eggs and sugar with a beater or standing mixer until it is frothy and the sugar is dissolved. It takes about 3-4 minutes.
  • Step 11 Remove the vanilla bean from the warm milk and scrape the seeds into the coconut milk mixture. Stir it.
  • Step 12 While beating the eggs on medium, slowly pour the warm coconut mixture into the eggs. Be sure to drizzle the warm milk in slowly. You don’t want scrambled eggs.
  • Step 13 Return the mixture to the saucepan and continue cooking on medium heat, frequently stirring, so it does not burn on the bottom. Continue cooking until the mixture is thick, about 10 minutes. Once thick, remove from the stove. Stir in the vanilla or rum flavoring.
  • Step 14 Use immediately or store in a glass jar and keep in the fridge. When ready to use this custard, place the jar in a large bowl filled with hot water and stir until it warms up.

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