Healthy Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Soy for Serious Eaters

2025 March: I sure hope I can make it to Spring!

2025 March: I sure hope I can make it to Spring!


It’s that season in Germany where you don’t know if you’ll survive the winter without sun. The rain, clouds, and snow can bring you down quickly if you’re a California girl. The last month in the USA was cold, cloudy, and rainy most days, plus being sick was a bummer. Then, returning home to the same winter climate in Germany has been a challenge. 

Before we headed to the San Diego Airport in mid-February, we took advantage of the rare moments when the sun came out and went to the beach for a walk. Lutz was recovering from pneumonia, and the fresh salt air greatly helped his breathing. Imperial Beach was so beautiful.

Look closer at the sign…cute, right? My word, Lutz looks like a wreck from being so ill—poor guy.

Eva, my youngest grandchild, was so excited about rock climbing that we snuck in one last visit. She learned to use the ropes as Opa held her steady. 

She is like spider-woman and races up the walls in thirty-three seconds. 

The day before we left, the whole family, especially Albert, prepared for a Super Bowl party. Jericho made the best carnitas, and Enrique made his special ceviche, homemade refried beans (Lutz’s favorite), and guacamole. I am so sad I didn’t take one picture! But trust me, it was amazing. Jericho, Eva, and I made a tortilla pick-up at the factory for the event. 

This job is not for the weak of heart. That vat is filled with corn. It is boiled until tender, then placed in another machine to grind, then in the tortilla machine, and out pop warm, mouthwatering tortillas.

The line was long, but the samples were free!

We were able to squeeze in one last dinner out with the whole family. Opa was finally up and walking. The Mexican food was “so-so” (as you all know by now, Jericho and her father-in-law, Enrique, make the best Mexican food in southern California, possibly Mexico as well- Nothing compares).

Hugs and kisses to all as we packed it up and headed to the airport for take-off. 

With all the crazy flu flying around, we played it safe and flew home with our masks!

We made it home from rainy and cold California to more miserable weather.  Due to train problems, it took us almost as long as the flight from San Diego to Frankfurt to arrive home by train from Frankfurt to the Black Forest—seven hours, to be exact.

We finally made it home and were welcomed with a gorgeous gift from Doris (along with all our bills)! The difficult challenge begins with snow, rain, and no sun.

But I have to say I did get a reprieve one day, and we even sat on the patio and turned on our little fireplace.

Lutz received a clean “bill of health” from his doctor in Germany. We are back to our daily exercise and nutritional habits! We’re making the best of the weather by enjoying the sun when it does appear. I can almost bear the cold when the sun is out!

Walking in the snow is so wonderful. It really can lift your spirits. It is so beautiful and peaceful. Great moments of meditation and gratefulness generate energy for the next dark day.

When you think you can’t bear the winter weather any longer, Fastnacht Season begins! It is a time for celebration, and we Black Forest folks take it seriously. 

The Black Forest Fastnacht tradition is a bit different from that of other regions. Where others dance, drink, and celebrate with costumes for fun, this area focuses on history. Over a week of events are planned; roaming skits or music groups provide entertainment in the local restaurants. The whole season ends with a parade with amazing costumes and masks. 

This singing group was exceptionally funny. We are a small village with two gas stations, two semi large grocery stores, a pharmacy, four or five dining options, and a few shops along our one block downtown. They got ahold of Trump hats and changed the labels to “Make Wolfach Great Again.” All in jest due to the newly approved plans for a McDonald’s coming this summer!

Oh, the little things that make us happy.

The costumes in this region are unique, with hand-carved masks that date back hundreds of years. The Fastnacht parade is intended to hunt down and expel the dark spirits of winter (my kind of celebration).

If this doesn’t chase my winter blues away, I guess I’m dumed. Check out this site for more interesting information about Fastnacht in the Black Forest.

I’ve spent some time reading and planning an escape to Tenerife in the Canary Islands for a week of sun in mid-March. Stay tuned! Oh yes, I’ve been experimenting with recipes from other gluten-free sites. These cottage cheese bagels were okay, but they are missing something (the recipe is in the works). They look amazing but lack my personal touch.

I’ll share the bagel results and our trip to Teneriffe next month. In the meantime, check out this month’s recipe and the incredible resources below. Thanks for following along, and I look forward to writing to you all again next month. 

Fave Recipe: Naan Bread

I have to say I got inspiration for this recipe from one of my favorite gluten-free sites, but I wish it were mine! This is the best, and I’ve tried many and failed. It went perfectly with my Taj Palak Spinach dish! It’s easy, quick, and just soft and fluffy!

Fave Resource: Free eBooks, Anyone!

I love reading and, with this weather, I have plenty of time after my morning exercise! Check these sites out and indulge; the weather will not change anytime soon for me!

4 thoughts on “2025 March: I sure hope I can make it to Spring!”

  • The winter does look beautiful, even if cold ! Love the pics of the celebrations. What pins are on Lutz’ vest??Your naan looks so yummy!!

    • Hey my dear! Yes, the snow is so beautiful as long as the sun shines. I can’t stay warm. The pins are from past Fastnachts. It is his father’s hat; therefore, most pins are over 100 years old. Sun is out today and we are off to the next village by bike to watch their parade of costumes.

  • Ooo, looks tasty, saved the recipes as a PDF. We’re still in Mexico, on Holbox Island North of Cancun. Toasty warm here, sunny, azure blue water.

    Back to sort of chilly Encinitas March 7.


  • Your trip looks fabulous. I was curious how long you have been gone and whether you made the reservations, flights, etc., or had a travel agent help. It’s just beautiful in Mexico. The Naan bread recipe is a keeper! They were easy and delicious. Thanks for following along with our travels via my post!

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